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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item. 1916-17. GENERAL STAFF BRANCH— continued. VOTE No. 61— continued. Special Grants for Rifle-shooting (extra to ordinary Course of Musketry) — Annual grant for rifle-shooting prizes (including marking fees) Railway passes for territorials and members of rifle clubs attending approved rifle meetings Rifle-shooting expenses (including grant to Dominion Rifle Association) Expenses in connection with competition for Lord Roberts's Trophy 1 £ £ ,000 800 13 14 1,000 800 15 1,000 16 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 20 10,420 60 1 10 ,000 20 1,420 60 10,370 Total Vote No. 61 QUARTERMASTER-GENERAL'S BRANCH. 1 2 VOTE No. 62. (a.) Headquarters and District Staffs— House allowance Office equipment, fuel, light, and cleaning office, also meal allowance and overtime . Uniform aJowance to members of Permanent staff 150 3 1,000 600 4 5 6 7 8 (b.) Royal New Zealand Artillery— Clothing for free issue (or allowance in lieu thereof) Fuel, light, and water Hospital charges Maintenance of boat-sheds, launches, and hire of temporary launches and boats Miscellaneous stores, care of guns, and repairs to wagons and expresses Repairs and additions to buildings (including work in connection with harbour defences) ... Scavenging, cleaning, and washing Tram and ferry fares 300 1,500 75 900 2,125 9 10 11 2,000 100 150 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (c.) Territorial Force — Rations Rations and messing-allowance to officers and noncommissioned officers, (fee, of Railway Battalion attending training-camp ... Horse hire Forage and grooming allowance Messing-allowance to officers of 4s. a day instead of free rations Camp or field allowance Transport of troops (except by rail), steamer fares, coach, tram, and ferry fares, extra-duty pay, &c, including expenses of selecting camp and other incidental expenses in connection with the same, also cost of concentration of Senior Cadets Compensation and all expenses payable in respect of accidents, sickness, injuries, &c, sustained by membersof the Forces, civilians employed therewith, and horses, including accidents, &c, sustained when going to or returning from parades 22,000 140 4,500 6,500 2,500 250 19 22,000 2,000