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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


Item. Item. 1916-17. DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS— continued.\ £ £ HEAD OFFIOE— continued. «•*■ 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 28 29 30 31 32 27 VOTE No. 43— continued. Other Charges for and incidental to — continued. Department of Internal Affairs —continued. Hector Observatory — Cost of clearing ground and planting trees General expenses (including temporary assistance) Instruments and equipment House allowance, Custodian, Government Buildings, Nelson Imperial Institute Legal expenses Light and water for various Government buildings ... Meals supplied to persons who are granted free passages on Government steamers Office equipment (including telephones)... . . Payment to Hospital Boards and other expenses incidental to issue of licenses under Land Agents Act, 1912 ... ... ... | .' Payment to New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington, for part services of custodian National Gallery ... ... ... Postage, telegrams, and rent of boxes Printing and stationery Printing, stationery, and office equipment for Ministers' offices ... ... ... I Protection of Tuatara lizards : Special payments to lighthouse-keepers and others Publications (including newspapers) Renovation of graves in historical cemeteries Renovation of graves of soldiers and others who were killed or died in connection with the Maori War, including wives and daughters of officers, and also men of the British and other navies, and expenses in connection therewith Salary, allowance, and expenses of Lady Medical Referee Salary, allowance, and expenses of official War Cor- f respondent ... ... ... ] Special allowance to Executive Officer of Board of Supplies Special allowance to Inspector of Fire Brigades in connection with inspection of departmental fire appliances Special allowance to shorthand-writers and typistes employed in Ministers'offices Subsidy (£1 for £1 up to £150) towards cost of the removal, to New Plymouth Cemetery, of remains of soldiers killed in Taranaki District, and the erection of obelisk Subsidy (£1 for £1) towards cost of erecting monument in Tauranga Cemetery to the memory of Maoris killed in Gate Pa engagement... Subsidy (£1 for £1) towards cost of erecting monument in Waikaremoana Cemetery to the memory of trooper Noonan, A.C. ... Travelling-allowance of Ministers, as authorized by the Civil List Act, 1908 ... ... ... 1 Travelling-expenses of Ministers ... ... 1 Travelling allowances and expenses of Private Secretaries to Ministers ... ... ... 1 Travelling allowances and expenses of officers of the Department 50 150 100 20 100 50 1,400 10 750 5,000 80 500 750 750 50 700 100 350 225 1,000 95 25 200 150 80 16 1,500 1,500 1,800 750 50 150 100 20 100 50 1,400 10 750 5,000 80 500 750 750 50 700 100 350 225 1,000 95 25 200 150 80 16 1,500 I , 500 1,800 750