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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.


9—B. 7.


1910-17. DEPARTMENT, OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS— continued. £ £ HEAD OPPIOB— continued. VOTE No. 43— continued. I Salaries — continued. General Division— continued. £ 7 at £78 ... ... 646 4 at £72 ... ... 288 3 at £66 (2 for 9 months) ... ... 166 7,445 . Lodging-allowance ... ... ... 12 24,462 1 iess proportion of salaries provided for but not payable during current year ... ... 747 23,715 Less amount to be recovered from Public Service Superannuation Fund ... ... ... 866 22,859 Other Charges for and incidental to — Department of Internal Affairs — 2 Advertising' ... ... ... 1,000 3 , Advertising vacancies in Public Service... ... 900 4 j Assessment Courts under the Rating Act, 1908 ... 5 5 j Audit fees for inspection of accounts ... ... 150 6 i Audit of Patriotic Accounts ... ... ... 2,000 7 Commissions of Inquiry ... ■ ... ... 1,500 8 Contribution towards funds of New Zealand War Contingent Association in London for wounded and invalid New Zealanders ... ... ... 500 9 , Cost of administration and expenses in connection with the censorship of kineniatograph-films ... 500 10 Cost of annotating Statutes for Government Departments ... ... ... 100 11 Cost of entertaining visitors to the Dominion and of official functions ... ... ... 600 12 Cost of fencing Kaiapohia Monument at Waikuku ... 100 13 , Cost of work to be done by Surveyor-General's Department ... ... ... 25 14 Cost of renovating Captain Hobson's grave ... 50 15 i Expenses in connection with the compilation and printing of Maori Dictionary ... ... 550 16 Expenses in connection with preservation of bird life 300 17 Expenses in connection with visit of Government Astronomer to Lick Observatory ... ... 10 18 ' Extra clerical assistance ... ... ... 2,100 19 Fire Brigades Annual Conference (grant in aid) ... 300 20 Fire brigades attending Annual Conference, railway passes for ... ... ... 300 21 Freight and cartage ... ... ... 250 22 Fresh-water fisheries, expenses in connection with, including wages of workmen, purchase of land, and erection of buildings ... ... ... 2,300 23 Fuel for Government offices... ... ... 700 24 General contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... loo 25 Grant to New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, Wellington ... ... ... 600 26 Grant to Auckland Acclimatization Society (Game Farm) ... ... ... 100