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Table IV — continued.

Position. Plaoe. il ft 8 Salary. ili'.-ismi for Appointment. Public Works Depari Carpenter .. .. .. .. I Dunedin District Storekeeper's Assistant.. .. .. ,, Typiste, &e. .. .. .. .. ! Invercargill District .. 'MENT — continue £ 1 j 1/6 p. h. 1 170 — ctrmMtviiea. £ I 1/6 p. h. Temporary employee appointed permanently. 170 Previously Timekeeper performing similar duties. 72 Temporary employee appointed permanently. 1 72 Total numbor of additions to Department (not including 31 temporary employees permanently appointed) 48 £4,227 Total amount of extra salaries involved in oreation of new positions. £4,227 Stamp Depai ITMEN'J r. Cadet .. .. .. .. |Wellington .. Typist Cadot .. .. .. .. Auckland Relieving Cadet .. .. .. ,, 1 1 1 1 1 £ 50 Incroaso of work caused by operation of Finanoe Act. 66 Ditto. 60 Expansion of businoss. 50 50 To roplaco officer absent with Expeditionary Forco. 50 Ditto. ,, .. .. .. Christehuroh 1 Total number of additions to Department 6 £326 Total amount of extra salarios involved in creation of new positions. State Advances I ->EPAR' TMENT. £ 100 To replace officers absent with Expeditionary Force. 100 Ditto. £200 Total amount of extra salaries involved in creation of new positions. Rolioving Cadet .. .. . . I Wellington 2 2 Total number of additions to Department 4 State Fire Insurance Dep. UtTMBNT. £ 130 Expansion of businoss and temporarily replacing officers who havo enlistod. 165 Ditto. 135 50 72 165 50 165 Cadet .. .. .. .. Wellington 2 Rolioving Cadet .. .. .. „ Clerk .. .. .. .. Christehuroh Cadet .. .. .. .. ,, Shorthand-writor and Typist .. .. „ Clerk .-. .. .. .. Dunedin Cadet .. .. .. .. „ Clork .. .. . . .. Wellington 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total numbor of additions to Department 11 £932 £932 Total amount of extra salarios involved in creation of now positions. Tourist and Health Re: Masseur .. .. .. .. Hanmor Springs Masseuse .. .. .. .. ,, Junior Gardener .. .. .. Queenstown Bath Attendant .. .. .. Rotorua Eloctric Lineman .. .. .. „ Bath Attendant and Assistant Masseur .. „ Gardener .. .. .. .. „ iorts Departm: £ 1 162 1 132 1 96 1 80 1 130 I 105 1 140 2 280 1 140 1 65 1 50 Department. £ 162 Temporary omployoe permanently appointed. 132 To roplace temporary employee. on 96 on 80 130 Tomporary employee permanently appointed. 105 Expansion of business. 140 .Temporary employee permanently appointed. OQA Labourer .. .. .. .. ,, Laundressl .. .. .. .. „ Relieving Cadet] .. .. .. ,, 280 IjIA 140 arc Shorthand-writer and Typist .. .. Wellington Relieving Cadet .. .. .. „ | 1 108 2 100 65 50 To replace officer absent with Expeditionary Forco. 108 Addition to staff. 100 To replace an officer absent with Expeditionary Force. 50 Ditto. ,, .. .. .. Dunedin ,, .. .. .. Christchurch I 50 I 50 50 Total numbor of additions to Dopartmont (not including 6 tomporary employees permanently appointed) II £911 Total amount of extra salarios involved in creation of new positions. NT. £911 Treasury Depj I :nt. iRTM NT. .£. 108 Expansion of business. Machinist .. .. .. .. I Wellington Relieving Cadet .. .. .. I „ 1 6 108 315 315 Total number of additions to Department _ 7 I £423 Total amount of extra salaries involved in creation of new positions. DNT. £423 Valuation Dep •ARTMENT. Relieving Cadet .. .. .. j Auckland 1 £ 50 ] To roplaco an officer absent with Expeditionary Force. £ 50 Total number of additions to Department .. 1. £50 Total amount of extra salaries involved in creation of new positions. £50