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For the year the total receipts from all sources exceeded the total expenditure under all heads by £5,342 in the case of the (a) group and by £3,683 in the case of the (b) group, indicating that the school authorities as a whole were not during 1915 hampered by insufficiency of funds. Of the annual statements of receipts and expenditure (nineteen in all) relating to classes controlled solely by Education Boards or High School Boards — i.e., (a) group classes —five show credit balances totalling £2,237, while fourteen show debit balances totalling £10,258. In the case of the statements (nineteen in all) relating to classes conducted by Technical School Boards or managers— i.e., (6) group classes —sixteen show credit balances totalling £4,882, while three show debit balances totalling £2,900. It has to be remembered, however, that classes of the (a) group include most of those held at small country centres, whereas those of the (b) group include most of the larger self-contained schools. Thus, while it is the exception for a Technical School Board to conduct classes at more than one centre, it is the rule for an Education Board to carry on classes at a number of centres (in one case twenty-nine) in its district. Further, the funds of classes of the (a) group are augmented annually to a lesser extent by voluntary contributions and the Government subsidy of £1 for £1 thereon, than are the funds of classes of the (6) group. Thus during the year classes of the (a) group (over 1,000 in number) received contributions amounting to £1,179, as compared with £2,927 received by classes of the (6) group (over 600 in number). The following is a summary of the expenditure by the Government on technical instruction during the year 1916 : — Capitation —■ £ £ Technical high schools (including free places) .. .. 19,309 Other classes (including free places) .. .. .. 30,729 Subsidies on voluntary contributions .. .. .. 5,323 Grants for buildings, equipment, material, rent, &c. .. .. 10,365 — 65,726 Railway fares, &c, of instructors and students .. . . 3,677 Bursaries .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,316 Examinations .. .. .. .. .. :. 418 Inspection and other expenses .. .. .. .. 1,101 • 6,512 72,238 Less recoveries (examination fees, &c.) .. .. 149 £72,089 The expenditure was at the rate of £3 % 5 per student. Included in the total is £2,390 from national-endowment revenue. The total expenditure for the previous year was £73,155. - SPECIAL SCHOOLS. Afflicted and Dependent Children. The number of children brought under the operation of the Industrial Schools Act in 1915 was 453, being forty-eight more than for the preceding year. The number whose names were written off the books was 305, leaving a total roll number of 3,166. Of these, 1,885 were and 1,281 girls. The classification of the children was as follows : — Boarded out — From Government industrial schools .. .. .. .. 1,129 From private industrial schools .. .. .. .. .. 5 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,134