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Number of Pupils receiving Free Education at Technical High Schools under the Regulations for Free Places.

Of the total number of pupils in attendance 90 per cent, were receiving free education under Junior free places were held by 1,539 pupils, an increase j|of forty-four, and senior free places by 230 pupils, an increase of fifty-one. Of the junior free pupils admitted in 1914, 48 per cent, continued to attend in 1915, while about 21 per cent, of the "pupils who completed the second year of their junior free places in 1914 qualified for and were admitted to senior free places in 1915. j[ Of the pupils who left on completing their junior free places 16 per cent, qualified and Were admitted to senior free places at evening classes. Financial. The following is a summary for 1915 of receipts (exclusive of grants for buildings, rent, equipment, and material) and of expenditure under certain heads in respect of the two main groups of classes —namely, (a) those conducted by Education or High School Boards, and (b) those conducted by Technical School Boards or Managers (including in each case technical high schools). Receipts. ( a .) (b.) £ £ Capitation on attendances and free places .. .. 21,653 25,771 Voluntary contributions and subsidies thereon .. .. 2,554 5,814 Students* fees • .. 4,013 5,259 Sundry receipts .. .. .. .. .. 4,855 4,458 Totals for 1915 £33,075 £41,302 Totals for 1914 .. .. .. .. £28,548 £47,156 BXPEN DITURE. Administration .. ... .. .. ~ 6,970 8,606 Salaries of instructors .. .. .. .. 20,127 23,775 Sundry expenses .. .. .. .. .. 1., 678 2,934 Totals for 1915 .. .. ~, .. £28,775 £35,315 Totals for 1914 .. .. .. .. £25,370 £32,892 The total cost of administration was 21 per cent, of th.e total receipts in the case of classes of the {a) group and 20 per cent, in the case of classes of the (6) group. The receipts and expenditure in respect of buildings, rent, equipment, and material for class use were as follows : — Receipts. (a.) (b.) £ £ Buildings and equipment .. .. .. .. 6,227 6,500 Rent and material .. .. .. .. .. 829 1,965 Totals for 1915 .. .. .. .. £7,056 £8,465 Totals for 1914 .. .. .. .. £6,693 £10,527 Expenditure, Buildings and equipment .. .. .. .. 3,432 6,847 Rent and material .. .. .. .. .. 2,582 3,922 Totals for 1915 .. £6,014 £10,769 Totals for 191.4 £6,068 £26,482

1914. 1915. Males. Females. Total. Males. Females. Total. r-t -I First year .. unior free pupils _ •'-, r l (Second year (First year.. ienior free pupils -j Second year (Third year 465 238 57 13 1 489 303 91 16 1 954 541 148 29 2 501 267 60 15 1. 505 266 121 26 7 1,006 533 181 41 8 Totals 774 900 1,674 844 925 1,769