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No. 15. Australia.—The Governor-General to the Secretary of State. (Received 11.27 a.m.. 9th February, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 16.] Your despatch 21st November [No. H] stating you have been unable to trace request for conference from Government of Commonwealth of Australia : Am desired by Prime Minister to inform you, that my telegram of 16th August [No. 13] was so regarded by my Ministers.—Denman.

No. 16. Australia.—The Secretary of State to the Governor-General. (Sent 5.20 p.m., 13th March, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 19.] Your telegram 9th February [No 15]. Please inform your Ministers His Majesty's Government will gladly confer with representatives of Australia regarding naval defence is so desired. Should be glad to know when it is desired that conference should be held, and whether discussion should be limited to subjects referred to in your telegram 16th August last [No. 13]. Am communicating with New Zealand to ask whether that Government would desire to participate in conference.— Harcourt . No. 17. New Zealand.—The Secretary of State to the Governor. (Sent 5.40 p.m., 13th March, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 18.] As it is understood that Government of Commonwealth desire conference on naval position in Pacific, I have informed Governor-General that His Majesty's Government will be glad to confer with Australian representatives if desired, and have asked when it is wished that conference should take place, and whether scope of conference should be limited to question of arrangement arrived at at Defence Conference in August, 1909. Would your Government wish to participate in conference ?—-Harcourt .

No. 17. New Zealand. —The Secretary op State to the Governor. (Sent 5.40 p.m., 13th March, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 18.] As it is understood that Government of Commonwealth desire conference on naval position in Pacific, I have informed Governor-General that His Majesty's Government will be glad to confer with Australian representatives if desired, and have asked when it is wished that conference should take place, and whether scope of conference should be limited to question of arrangement arrived at at Defence Conference in August, 1909. Would your Government wish to participate in conference ?—Harcourt .

No. 1.8. New Zealand.—The Governor to the Secretary of State. (Received 7.45 a.m.. 17th March, 1914.) Telegram. [Answered by No. 21 .] Your telegram 13th March [No. 17]: Prime Minister informs me that New Zealand desires to participate in Naval Conference, but unless time and place convenient representation cannot be adequate. Will telegraph again further, as at. present many of the Ministers are absent from Wellington and it will riot be possible to hold Cabinet Council for two weeks,—-Liverpool. No. 19. Australia.—The Governor-General to the Secretary of State. (Received 10.10 a.m., 23rd March. 1914.) Telegram:. [Answered by No. 20.] Your telegram of 13th March [No. 16] : In view of the early meeting of Parliament it is now impossible for any Commonwealth Minister to visit London during this year, although my Ministers still hold the opinion expressed in my telegram of 15th August [No. 13] that a conference is desirable. My Ministers, while not ignoring the advantages of the limited conference His Majesty's Government suggest, yet urge greatly the desirability of a full conference at which shall be represented all the self-governing dominions.—Denman. No. 20. Australia.—The Secretary of State to the Governor-General. (Sent 1.10 p.m.. Ist April. 1914.) Telegram. Your telegram 23rd March [No. 19] : Please inform your Ministers that in circumstances mentioned in your telegram question of Defence Conference must stand over for the present. I have informed Governor of New Zealand.

No. 19. Australia.—The Governor-General to the Secretary of State. (Received 10.10 a.m., 23rd March. 1914.) Telegram:. [Answered by No. BO.] Your telegram of 13th March [No. 16] : In view of the early meeting of Parliament it is now impossible for any Commonwealth Minister to visit London during this year, although my Ministers still hold the opinion expressed in my telegram of 15th August [No. 13] that a conference is desirable. My Ministers, while not ignoring the advantages of the limited conference His Majesty's Government suggest, yet urge greatly the desirability of a full conference at which shall be represented all the self-governing dominions.—Denman.

No. 20. Australia. —The Secretary op State to the Governor-General. (Sent 1.10 p.m.. Ist April. 1914.) Telegram. Your telegram 23rd March [No. 19] : Please inform your Ministers that in circumstances mentioned in your telegram question of Defence Conference must stand over for the present. I have informed Governor of New Zealand.