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made, but rather that, when at any time accredited Ministers of the Government of the Dominion are in England, they may be invited to attend the deliberations of the Committee of Imperial Defence in a like manner as has been the privilege of the New Zealand Minister of Defence, Colonel the Hon. James Allen, during his recent visit. I have, &c, Liverpool, Governor.

No. 12. The Secretary of State to the Governors-General and Governor [Canada, Australia, Union of South Africa, Newfoundland]. My Lord [Sir], — Downing Street, 15th August, 1913. With reference to [io Newfoundland only: your despatch of the Bth April (No. 9f] [my despatch of the 2nd May (No. 10)] I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency [you], for the information of your Ministers, the accompanying copy of a despatch [No. 11] from the Governor of New Zealand on the subject of the representation of the self-governing dominions on the Committee of Imperial Defence. I have, &c, L. Harcourt.

No. 13. Australia.—The Governor-General to the Secretary of State. (Received 9 a.m., 16th August. 1913.) Telegram. Government of Commonwealth of Australia are considering naval defence situation, especially arrangement come to at Imperial Conference in London, 19th August, 1909, by which Australian Fleet unit will form part of Eastern Fleet of the Empire with similar units of the Royal Navy to be known as China and East Indies units respectively. Completion of Australian Fleet unit as then agreed to in near at hand, but it does not appear to my Ministers that China and East Indies units are in course of being provided. Government of Commonwealth of Australia anxious to know exactly intention of His Majesty's Government in this respect. If any new circumstances have arisen which it is considered should necessitate an alteration in this agreement to provide units, my Ministers would be glad to be informed, and, if thought necessary, will arrange for representation at a conference, should His Majesty's Government consider such a course necessary.—Denman. Colonial Office Note.—The Secretary of State for the Colonies in a telegram dated 17th October forwarded the reply of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty on the subject of the carrying-out of the arrangement arrived at in 1909, and added: "If, after consideration of the statement of the Admiralty, your Ministers consider it desirable to confer, as the Governments of other dominions have done, with His Majesty's Government, His Majesty's Government will be glad to welcome, at any date convenient to them next year, a visit of representatives of your Government." No. 14. Australia.—The Secretary of State to the Governor-General. [Answered by No. 15.] My Lord,— Downing Street, 21st November, 1913. I have received a copy of " Parliamentary Debates (Commonwealth of Australia)," (No.. 17), on page 1981, of which I observe that the Prime Minister, replying to a question by Mr. Higgs. stated that the Commonwealth Government had requested the Imperial Government to convene a conference of representatives of the dominions and of the United Kingdom. 2. I have been unable to trace such a request from your present Ministers, and I should be glad if I could be informed on what occasion it was made to His Majesty's Government. No such request appears to have been contained in your telegram of the 16th August [No. IS]. I have, &c. L. Harcourt. Annexure to No. 14. Australia.—Extract from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates, 10th October, 1913. Housr of Representatives: Imperial Defence Conference. Mr. Higgs asked the Prime Minister, upon notice—(l.) Whether the Government has requested the Imperial Government to convene a conference of representatives of the dominions and of the United Kingdom? (2.) If so, at what time and place is it proposed to hold the said conference? (3.) What subjects, if any, have been suggested by the Commonwealth Government for discussion at the conference? Mr. Joseph Cook.—The answers to the honourable member's questions are—(l.) Yes. (2.) These to be mutually arranged. (3.) Defence primarily.

No. 14 Australia.—The Secretary op State to the Governor-General. [Answered by No. 15.] My Lord, — Downing Street, 21st November, 1913. 1 have received a copy of " Parliamentary Debates (Commonwealth of Australia)," (No.. 17), on page, 1981, of which I observe that the Prime Minister, replying to a question by Mr. Higgs. stated that the Commonwealth Government had requested the Imperial Government to convene a conference of representatives of the dominions and of the United Kingdom. 2. T have been unable to trace such a request from your present Ministers, and I should be glad if I could be informed on what occasion it was made to His Majesty's Government. No such request appears to have been contained in your telegram of the 16th August [No. 13]. I have, &c. L. Harcourt.

Annexure to No. 14. Australia.—Extract from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Debates, 10th October, 1913. Housr of Representatives: Imperial Defence Conference. Mr. Hiaas asked the Prime Minister, upon notice—(l.) Whether the Government has requested the Imperial Government to convene a conference of representatives of the dominions and of the United Kingdom? (2.) If so, at what time and place is it proposed to hold the said conference? (3.) What subjects, if any, have been suggested by the Commonwealth Government for discussion at the conference? Mr. Joseph Cook. —The answers to the honourable member's questions are—(l.) Yes. (2.) These to be mutually arranged. (3.) Defence primarily.

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