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..-■' I And whereas by a Proclamation dated the lOth day of September, 1907, His late Majesty King Edward VII was graciously pleased to change the style and designation of " the Colony of New Zealand " to " the Dominion of New Zealand " : And whereas a certain Bill of 1913 (No. 77) passed by the Legislative Council and the House of Representatives of the said Dominion, entitled. " An Act to amend the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908," was presented to the Governor of the said Dominion for His Majesty's assent : And whereas the said Bill was reserved by the said Governor for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure thereon : , V .And whereas the said Bill so reserved as aforesaid has been laid before His Majesty in Council and it is expedient that the said Bill should be assented to by His Majesty : Now, therefore, His Majesty, in pursuance of the said Act and in exercise of the powers thereby reserved to His Majesty as aforesaid, doth by tho present Order, by and with the advice of His Majesty's-Privy Council, confirm and declare His Majesty's assent to the said Bill. Almeric Fitzroy.

No. 13, New Zealand, No. 116. My Lord— Downing Street, 19th March, 1914. With reference to Your Excellency's despatch, No. 176, of the 27th November last, I have the honour to transmit to you, to be laid before your Ministers, a copy of a resolution-which was passed unanimously at the recent Conference on the International Map of the World, in favour of the establishment of a Permanent Bureau in connection with the undertaking. 2. In accordance with this resolution a Permanent Bureau has been established at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, and I shall be glad to learn if your Government desire to take part in the •arrangement. In that event it would be convenient if the contribution of £6 per annum towards the secretarial expenses of the Bureau conld be paid direct to the Ordnance Survey Department. I have, &c, L. HAECOUET. Governor His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G, M.V.0., &c.

A.-1, 1915 No. 16.

Enclosure. Extract from the Proceedings of the Conference held in Paris- in December, 1913, to discuss the'lnternational Map of the World ; forwarded to the Senior British Delegate by General Bourgeois, the President Of the Conference. Carte dv Monde au T,000,'000 c . Deiixieme Conference Internationale. 5 e Seance pleniere. Jeudi, 18 Decembre, 1913. * * * * . * * Lecture est donnee de la proposition Anglaise relative a l'etablissemeut dun Bureau permanent, dont voici le teste : " La delegation Britannique est autorirsee par le Gouvernement de la Grande Bretagne a proposer a la Conference de la Carte Internationale dv Monde qu'un Bureau permanent soit etabli en Angleterre. ~.,...-, " Cc Bureau compreudrait a la fois un Office Central sis a Southampton, clans les Batiments de l'Ordnance Survey, et une Succursale sise a Londres. " Les attributions dv Bureau consisteraient a publier un Rapport, annuel et a organiser un service d'echange de renseignements, en vue. de fournir aux interesses toutes donnees utiles. "En outre, les minutes lvi seraient soumises. pour avis, avant qu'il ne soit procede a la publication. ■" Dans le cas oil l'envoi dcs dessins originaux se heurterait a certaines difficultes, ces minutes pourraient etre remplacees par dcs photographies ou par une epreuve provisoire. " Chacun dcs Etats acceptant cette proposition pourrait contribuer aux depenses dv Bureau Central jusqu'a concurrence dune somme annuelle de 150 fcs. Cette somme serait remise a gui de droit, par les voies diplomatiques ordinaircs." Le proposition mise aux voix est adoptee. Mr. le General Bourgeois sefait I'interprete de tousles delegues en addressant au Gouvernement Anglais les remerciements de la Conference. (Applaudissements.) ****** Le Secretaire General, "'}' ; : '■'- -'■ Emm. de Margerie.