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2. I have to inform you that similar representations made by the Pharmaceutical Society of Queensland have already been referred to the Lord President of the Council, and that in reply he has stated that, prior to another revision of the Pharmacopoeia being undertaken, these representations will be considered in connection with a general review of the whole position. A copy of this correspondence is being forwarded to the Privy Council. I have, &c, L. HAECOUET. Governor His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.

•No. 11. New Zealand, No. 111. My Lord, — Downing Street, 13th March, 1914. With reference to my despatch, No. 105, of the 6th March, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency,' for the information of your Ministers, the accompanying copies of the British Nationality and Status - of Aliens Bill as introduced into the Imperial Parliament. I have, &c, . L. HAECOUET. Governor His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool,;; ~.-.■. • ;,-■ ■ K.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c. •

-:, No. 12. New Zealand, No. 118. My Lord.— Downing Street, 13th March, 1914. With reference to my telegram of the 10th March, I have the honour to transmit to Your Excellency, for the information of your Ministers, one sealed and six plain copies of the Order of His Majesty in Council of the 9th March declaring His Majesty's assent to the Bill (No. 77 of 1913) passed by the Legislative Council and House of Eepresentatives of the Dominion of New Zealand entitled " An Act to amend the Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908." I have, &c, L. HAECOUET. Governor His Excellency the Eight Hon. the Earl of Liverpool, K.C.M.G., M.V.0., &c.

A.-1, 1915. No. 15.

Enclosure. At the Court of Buckingham Palace, the 9th day of March, 1914. Present: The King's Most Excellent Majesty, Lord President, Marquess of Lincolnshire, Master of tho Horse, Lord Wimborne, Mr. Charles Hobhouse. Whereas it is, among other things, enacted by the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, that the Legislature of any British possession may, by any Act or Ordinance confirmed by His Majesty in. Council, repeal wholly or in part any provisions of the said Act (other than those of the Third Part thereof, which relate to emigrant ships) relating to ships registered in that possession, but that any such Act or Ordinance shall not take effect until the approval of His Majesty has been proclaimed in the possession or until such time thereafter as may be fixed by the Act or Ordinance for the purpose : And whereas by an Act passed in the session held in the 15th and 16th years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria's reign, entitled " An Act Act to grant a .Representative Constitution to the Colony of New Zealand," it is, amongst other things, declared that no Bill which shall be reserved for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure thereon shall have any force or authority within the Colony of New Zealand until the Governor of the said Colony shall signify, either by speech or message to the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the,said colony, or by Proclamation ', that such Bill hay, been laid before His Majesty in Council, and that. His Majesty has been pleased to assent to the same :