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Land Transfer.

159. Rogistered proprietor may deal with land 192. Judgment may bo recovered at any time. under the Act by attorney. 193. Assurance Fund, not liable in certain cases. 160. Power of attorney to be deposited with i94. Value of land at time of deprivation to be Registrar. measure of damages. 161. Revocation of power of attorney. 195. Limitation of actions. 162. Seal unnecessary. 196. Plaintiffs to be nonsuited if laches proved. 163. The Property Law Act to apply. Protection of Purchasers, „ ..,.,.. 1.97. Purchaser from registered proprietor not to Covenants implied in Instruments b( , affected by notice . 164. Covenants for further assurance implied. 198. No liability on bona fide purchaser or mort--165. Short covenants, form of. gagee. 166. Implied covenants may be negatived, &o. Appeal. Covenants to apply jointly and severally. 190 A , tf) y me Court frora decision of 167. Action tor breach of covenant. Registrar 200. Summons to Registrar to appear. ~ ~ . T . , 201. Hearing of appeal. Execution of Instruments. 202> Expens b es o{ appeal 1.68. Instruments to be signed and attested. 203. Registrar-General to decide between Regie--169. When instruments deemed to bo attested. trar and Examiner of Titles. 170. Questions to attesting witness, and certificate 204. Primary appeal to Registrar-General if thereon. Registrar and Examiner the same person. 171. Acknowledgment by party to instrument, 205. Registrar-General may submit questions for and certificate thereon. decision of Court of Appeal. 172. Married woman deemed feme sole. 206. Ordinary rules and regulations of procedure 173. Corporation may execute under seal. to apply. 174. Instruments to be received in evidence in 207. Rules of procedure. Courts. 175. Correctness of instrument to be certified. Offences. Fine for false certificate. 208. Offences under the Act. 209. Crimes under the Act. , . 210. Perjuries under the Act. Verification of Instruments. 211. Punishment, 176. Verification of instruments executed out of 212. Conviction not to affect civil remedy. New Zealand. Land-brokers and Valuators. 213. Registrar-General, with sanction of Governor, Surveys. may ij cenae persons as land-brokers. 177. Surveyor-General may make regulations for 214. Bond required before grant of license. surveys. Surveyors to be licensed. 215. Liconscs may be revoked. Power to cancel surveyors' licenses. 216. Acting without license. 178. Plans to be deposited in certain cases. 217. License of land-broker making unlawful 179. Deposit not to operate as dedication of roads. charges cancelled. 180. Land taken for roads to be defined on 218. Valuators may be appointed. Oath to be Register. taken by valuators. 181. Cost of survey for correction of plans, &c, to be paid out of Assurance Fund. Miscellaneous. 182. Surveyor-General or person authorized by m _ Govemor in Gounci , lix and a]ta . lees him may enter land to make survey. uud(!l , tho Act> and make regulfttion9> 220. Printed forms to be supplied and used. Additional Powers of Registrar. 221. Registrar-General may sanction variations .„„_.. . '~ ... from led forms. 183. Registrar may require production of in- 2 22. Description of person in special character to struments. For his information. For include legal representatives, indorsements. For cancellation. May 223 Forms may be used wit h necessary variations, enter May administer oaths. 224 _ Proaeeution of offences. 184. Not Producing instruments when required 22e Registrar may requiro indemnity for oosts. by Itogistrar. 226. Discretionary powers of Registrars. 227. Registrar not bound to attend Court or proAssurance Fund. duce Register without Judge's order. 228. Officers not personally liable. 185. Assurance Fund to be levied by percentage 2 29. Special provisions in' Appendices enacted. on value of land. Valuation by sworn 230. Acts authorized under former Land Transfer Valuator. Assurance Fund to be paid to Act may be done under this Act. separate account. 231. References to former Land Transfer Act to 186. Compensation for mistake or misfeasance of apply to this Act. Registrar. .1.87. Recovery of damages and costs. APPENDICES 188. Notice of action to bo served on Attorney- , .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ... . „, ~ General and Registrar-General. Minister Appendix 1.-Registration of trusts affecting to pay claim if admitted. Costs if action . reserves and other public lands. continued after admission. Appendix 11.-Provisions relating to dealings with 1.89. Liability of plaintiff for costs. f ld lmd ° r l the q Canterbury Educationa 190. In case, of fraud compensation paid ami . Reserves Sale and Leasing Act, 1876. costs, how recovered. Appendix 111.-Registration of mortgages, &0., to 191. Judgment for such moneys may be signed unincorporated building societies. against absconders, &o. Schedules.