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The following is an analysis showing the nature of the cases taken against employers and workers during the year ending 31st March, 1914 : — t. t . t r\a Number of Cases Nature ot Offence. . , taken. Failing to pay award rate (minimum wage) ... •■ ... ... 102 Accepting less than award rate (minimum wage) ... ... ... 35 Failing to pay overtime rates ... ... ... ... 19 Accepting less than overtime rates ... ... ... ... ... It) Failing to give preference to unionists ... ... ... ... 13 Failing to indenture apprentices ... ... ... .. ... 7 Employing more apprentices than allowed by award in proportion to journeymen ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7 Failing to pay wages at weekly or fortnightly intervals ... ... 10 Deducting from wages and failing to pay wages in full ... ... 16 Taking part in a strike ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Creating a lockout ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 Failing to keep wages and overtime book ... ... ... ... 52 Failing to exhibit copies of awards ... ... ... ... ... 5 For miscellaneous breaches of awards (by employers) ... ... ... 113 For miscellaneous breaches of awards (by workers) ... ... ... 37 Grand total ... ... ... ... ... ... 437* Total number of cases against employers ... ... ... ... 349 Total number of cases against employees ... ... ... ... 88 Inspectors of Awards and Clerks of Courts have during the year collected penalties amounting to £423 lis. from employers, and £50 19s. 6d. from workers. The total number of cases from inception of Act in 1894 to 31st March, 1914. in which penalties were inflicted is—Employers, 2,941 ; workers,f 898.

It should be explained that of the amount outstanding a considerable sum is owing byemployers and workers who were only recently fined; steps are being taken in the usual way to collect the amounts due. Councils op Conciliation. The work of the Conciliation Commissioners and of Conciliation Councils is summarized in the following table : —

Compared with last year the above results show that thirty-eight more oases were fully settled during the present period. Since their establishment in January, 1909, the Councils have dealt with 592 cases, and of this total 404 have been fully settled, whilst the number referred

* Four of these cases were taken by the unions concerned. f Other than slaughtermen fined for striking in 1907. Regarding those fines—viz., £1,330 —tho sum of £295, or 22 per cent, of the whole amount, is still outstanding. No further payments in respect to these fine 3 have been made since last report.

Employers. Worke Workers. ere. 'otal amount of penalties 'otal amount paid 'otal amount outstanding £ s. d. Percentage. 7,255 19 6 6,740 11 8 93 515 7 10 7 £ s. d. 989 13 0 804 15 1 184 17 11 Percentage. 81J

Industrial District. Number Number partially Number in which no . j2 settled (and referred Settlement was made, ,., ', to Arbitration Court and whole Dispute e e iforFinalSettlement). was referred to Court. Total. •/ lorthern and Taranaki (Commissioner Harle Giles) Wellington, Marlborough, Nelson, and Westland (Commissioner Hally) ianterbury and Otago and Southland (Commissioner Triggs) :;i 8 6 45 45 10 2 57 Sβ 10 18 64 Grand totals 112 28 26 166