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QUEENSTOWN DOMAIN. Blocks LIV, LV, and LVI, Town of Queenstown. Area, 7 acres and 19 perches. Work done during year : About half of the domain fenced and planted with suitable trees and shrubs. Improvements now on domain: Fencing and planting. Used for forestry purposes. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing and planting the remaining portion of the domain. Ranfurly Domain. Sections Nos. Ito 15, Block XIII, Town of Ranfurly. Area, 10 acres 2 roods 36 perches. Work done during year : Ploughing, planting trees, post-and-rail fence and conveniences erected, and boundary-fence wire netted. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, cricket-pitch, tennis-courts, gates, conveniences, and plantation. Used for sports, football, cricket, and tennis, Proposed operations for ensuing year : Planting trees and levelling running-track. Record Reign Domain. Section No, 1, Block LXXXIX, Town of Cromwell. Area, 4 acres. Work done during year : Fence erected on the western boundary. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, bowling-green, tennis-courts, seats, conveniences, and trees. Used for picnics, bowls, tennis, Territorial training, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Roslyn Domain. Section No. 7, Block X, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District. Area, 12 acres 2 roods 28 perches. Work done during year : Broom cleared and path repaired. Used by picnic parties. St. Bathan's Domain. Section No. 25, Block 11, St. Bathan's Survey District. Area, 23 acres 1 rood 5 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, gates, trees, hedge, curling and skating pond, football and cricket grounds, arid running-tracks. Used for sports and general recreation. Leased. Proposed operations for- ensuing year : Further clearing broom and repairing fences. Taieri Lake Domain. Sections Nos. 12 and 18, Block XI, and 2, Block XII, Maniototo Survey District, and 67 and 81, Town of Kornako. Area, 436 acres and 39 perches. Work done during year : Repairing fences and erecting new ones; 8 acres planted with trees. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, building, conveniences, and trees planted. Used for grazing and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Further planting of trees and improving sports-ground. Portion leased. Tokomairiro Domain. Parts of Sections Nos. 103 and 104, Block XII, Tokomairiro Survey District. Area, 47 acres and 4 perches. Work done during year: Fences cut and trimmed, flowers and shrubs planted, and flowerbeds and paths maintained in good order. Improvements now on domain: Fences, pavilion, plantation, ponds, paths, flower-beds, and baths. Used for football, cricket, hockey, and picnics. Proposed operations for- ensuing year': Planting trees, shrubs, and flowers, and general maintenance. A portion of the domain is leased. Trotter's Creek Domain. Section No. 36, Block XI, Moeraki Survey District. Area, 183 acres and 11 perches. Work done during year- : Clearing undergrowth. Improvements now on domain : Footbridge, seats, and tracks. Used for sports and as a playground for- children. Leased. Tuapeka Domain. Blocks XV, XVI, XVIII, XIX, XXXV, Sections Nos. 1 to 8, 10, and 13 to 16, Block XIV, 1 to 7 and 20, Block XVII, 1 to 6 and 17 and 18, Block XXXIV, 6, Block LIIT, 3, 4, 5, and 9, Block LIV, and three areas containing 1 rood, 2 roods 35 perches, and 3 roods 24 perches respectively. Town of Lawrence, and Sections Nos. 20, 26, and 30, Block XIX, Tuapeka East Survey District. Area, 133 acres 3 roods 20 perches. Work done during year : Bulbs and flowering-plants planted, and fresh ground prepared and improved by planting shrubs, &c. ; fences and paths attended to, and general maintenance. The Reservoir Hill is now extensively patronized as a recreation and holiday resort. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, and paths. Used for' hockey, cricket, football, shows, military encampments and parades, and as a pleasure resort, Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Further tree-planting, and protecting same with fences and wire netting.