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* — — Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OF REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Thursday, the 3rd Day of July, 1913. Ordered, " That a Committee be appointed, consisting of ten members, to consider all matters relating to schoolteachers, education, and public instruction generally, public-school training of teachers, higher education, technical education, manual instruction, and such other matters affecting education as may be referred to it; to have power to call for persons and papers ; three to be a quorum : the Committee to consist of Mr. Guthrie, Mr. Hanan, Mr. Malcolm, Mr. McCallum, Mr. Poland, Mr. Sidey, Mr. Statham, Mr. J. C. Thomson, Mr. G. M. Thomson, and the mover."—(Hon. Mr. Allen.) Wednesday, the 29th Day op October, 1913. Ordered, " That the petition of Anna P. Stout and others be referred direct to the Education Committee."— (Mr. G. M. Thomson.) Feiday, the 14th Day op November, 1913. Ordered, " That the petition of Anna P. Stout and others be referred back to the Education Committee for further consideration."—(Mr. Poland.) Wednesday, the 3rd Day op December, 1913. Ordered, " That the report of the Education Committee on the Education Commission Report be referred to the Government for consideration." —(Mr. G. M. Thomson.)


No. Petitioner, Ac. Page. 13 Adamson, James, and 27 others .. 2 15 Church, Robert, and 23 others.. .. 2 16 Dellow, Kenneth J., and 840 others .. 2 441 440 Evans, Alice .. .. •. 3 Evans, Charles .. .. .. 3 Final Report .. .. .. 3 17 O'Rorke, Hon. Sir G. M., and 21 others.. 2 169 430 Southwick, Joseph Stout, Anna P., and 1,249 others .. 2

No. Petitioner, Ac. Page. 18 14 Wall, Arnold, and 5 others Wild, Leonard J., and 90 others 2 2 Parliamentary Paper No. 216, 1912—Report of Education Commission (vide also E.-12, 1912, and I.-13b, 1913) Parliamentary Paper No. 320, 1912—Report by Inspector-General of Schools on the University Colleges of New Zealand (vide also E.-7a, 1912, and I.-13a, 1913) 2 Special Report a University Education University Colleges 2 2