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Stock Amendment Bill. The Agricultural, Pastoral, Stock, and Commerce Committee, to which was referred the abovementioned Bill, has the honour to report that it has carefully considered the same, and recommends that it be allowed to proceed without amendment. 9th December, 1913.

No. 52.—Petition of P. W. B. Greville, of Wellington. Praying that inquiry be made into the alleged insanitary methods adopted in the railage and delivery of Wellington City's milk-supply. I am directed to report, — The Committee finds from the sworn evidence given before it that insufficient care is being exercised by those responsible for a wholesome milk-supply to the City of Wellington. 2. That the Live-stock Department accept responsibility up to the farm-gate, but the evidence shows insufficient veterinary inspection of the dairy cows ; that many of the milk-cans are in such a battered, broken state from rough usage as to make it impossible to thoroughly clean them, and that the insanitary surroundings of some of the cow-yards leaves much to be desired ; carelessness is also shown in the proper cleaning of even the best-conditioned cans. 3. That milk is in some cases loaded and unloaded at railway-stations in positions which might easily admit of contamination; also that the milk-cans are in some cases mixed up with dead pigs and live fowls in railway-trucks which are not kept in a sufficiently clean condition. 4. That the inspection from the farm-gate to the consumer by the Health Department as to the quality or cleanliness of the milk supplied to the public is insufficient. 5. That the Government be requested to make exhaustive inquiry during the recess as to the most up-to-date and efficient systems extant, with a view of so reorganizing the handling of the milk-supply of the larger centres of the Dominion that it will be delivered to the consumer in as pure a condition as possible. 10th December, 1913. Special Report. The Agricultural, Pastoral, Stock, and Commerce Committee desires to record its appreciation of the tact and courtesy manifested by the Chairman, Sir Walter Buchanan, and the painstaking attention given by him to the work of the Committee. 10th December, 1913. Special Rkport. The Agricultural, Pastoral, Stock, and Commerce Committee desire to place upon record their sense of the willing and capable services rendered by Mr F. E. Tomlinson, the Clerk of the Committee, and express the hope that suitable employment may be provided for him during the recess so that his services may be available to Committees in future sessions. 10th December, 1913. Approximate Cost ol Paper. —Preparation, not Riven; printing (1,400 copies), £1 ss.

Special Report. The Agricultural, Pastoral, Stock, and Commerce Committee desires to record its appreciation of the tact and courtesy manifested by the Chairman, Sir Walter Buchanan, and the painstaking attention given by him to the work of the Committee. 10th December, 1913.

Special Rkport. The Agricultural, Pastoral, Stock, and Commerce Committee desire to place upon record their sense of the willing and capable services rendered by Mr. P. E. Tomlinson, the Clerk of the Committee, and express the hope that suitable employment may be provided for him during the recess so that his services may be available to Committees in future sessions. 10th December, 1913.

Approximate Cost ol Paper. — Preparation, not Riven; printing (1,400 copies), £1 ss.

Authority : John Mackay, Government Printer, Wellington.—l9l3,

Price 3d.]