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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.



tern. 19 3-14. TERRITORIAL FORCE (TRAINING OF, INCLUDING RIFLE CLUBS AND CADETS). £ £ VOTE No. 64. (a.) Training (including Camps) — Pay Rations Horse hire Forage and grooming allowance Messing-allowance to officers of 4s. a day instead of free rations Camp or field allowance Transport of troops (except by rail), steamer fares, coach, tram, and ferry fares, extra-duty pay, &c, including expenses of selecting camp and other incidental expenses in connection with the same Compensation for damages, accidents, medical expenses, &c, including injuries to horses, &c. ... Cost and upkeep of targets, training requisites, miniature rifle ranges, cost of towing targets for practice, &c, and other expenses in connection with annual course of musketry ... Maintenance and repairs to drill-sheds and rifle ranges (including rent, caretaking, &c, also hire of buildings and grounds for parades, &c.) 40,350 16,890 3,550 5,300a 2,132 500 15,250 500 750 9,700 (b.) Military Education — Headquarters staff tour District staff tours (£200 for each district) Central school of instruction for permanent and territorial officers District schools of instruction and musketry courses for territorial officers and non-commissioned officers (£200 for each of 18 area-groups) District courses of instruction for senior cadet officers (£100 for each of 18 area-groups) ... Military Journal Books and other publications, &c. Examinations Libraries (£50 for Headquarters and £50 for each district) '500* 800* 3,200* 3,600 1,800 4001 400f 25 250+ (c.) Special Grants for Rifle-shooting (extra to ordinary Course of Musketry) — Annual grant for rifle prizes for shooting, open to rifle clubs and the public (including marking fees) Annual grant for rifle-shooting prizes (territorials only) Railway passes for territorials and members of rifle clubs attending approved rifle meetings (£250 for each district) ... Rifle-shooting expenses (including grant to Dominion Rifle Association) .350} 8001 1,000| 900:1 (d.) Travelling Allowances and Expenses— Travelling allowances and expenses 15,000§ (e.) Rail Fares and Freights — Rail fares and freights ... ... , ... 12,000|| Go\ vot< froi and iter a Includes £30 forage allowance for those who are required to kee 'ernment servioe, which was shown under voce, Headquarters and Disti * This expenditure was provided for under " Schools of Instructions, St i last year. f Transferred from vote, Headquarters and District Sta a Defence Miscellaneous vote. § Transferred from three votes las District Staffs, Royal New Zealand Artillery, and Stores and Mag a is now made for all travelling allowanoes and expenses, portion of - anditure under item, "Transport of Troops," vote Territorial Force, ransport of Troops " in previous years : special item made of this expem wn in italios (in braokets) give the expenditure on the different items vc jp a horse riot Staffs It fcafi Tours," k ffs. J 5 it year : He ;azines, and which was i |[ Incluc diture. Th Dted last yei for use on ist year. ' under this transferred sadquarters : a separate included in led in item le amounts ar. expi "Ti sho