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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


;tem. 1913-14. ROYAL NEW ZEALAND ARTILLERY— continued. £ e VOTE No. 63— continued, (b.) Pay : Field Artillery Section- —continued, 9 Sergeants at 9s. 9d. per diem 5 Corporals at 9s. 3d, per diem 4 Bombardiers at 8s. 9d. per diem 18 Gunners at 7s. 3d. per diem 59 Drivers at 7s. 3d. per diem 5 Farriers: 1 at 10s. 6d., 1 at 9s. 6d., and 3 at 9s. per diem 5 Fitters at 8s. 3d. per diem... 5 Saddlers: 1 at 10s. 6d., 1 at 9s. 6d., 2 at 9s., and 1 at 8s. 3d. per diem 1,601 844 639 2,382 7,806 858 753 844 120 195 Garrison Artillery Section 18,224 315 2 Staff Sergeant-majors, Government House Orderlies, at £166 per annum 1 Master, Commanding s.s. "Lady Roberts" Allowance in lieu of quarters for Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Gunners, and Drivers Proficiency and Good-conduct Pay for Gunners and Drivers Annual allowance to Sergeant-Coxswain s.s. "Janie Seddon " while so employed 332 216 3,250 3,600 10 7,408 (c.) Other Charges for and incidental to — Clothing for free issue (or allowance in lieu thereof) ... Clothing for issue on payment Efficiency fees and badges ... Extra-duty pay Freight, Cartage, and Shipping Charges ... Fuel, Light, and Water Hospital Charges ... ... ... Maintenance (including pay of civilian crew) of Boatsheds, Launches, and Hire of Temporary Launches and Boats Medical Attendance and Medicine (including Salary of Civil Surgeons to Royal New Zealand Artillery) Miscellaneous Stores, Office Equipment and other Requisites, care of Guns, and Repairs to Wagons and Expresses Railway Fares and Freight ... Repairs and Additions to Buildings (including works in connection with Harbour Defences)... Scavenging, Cleaning, and Washing Telephones Tram and Ferry Fares Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... 57,266 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 400 400 35 100 300 800 50 500 11 400 12 1,500 500 13 14 15 16 17 18 1,000. 35 150 150 10 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 6,330 1,200 62,396 5,130 Total—Vote No. 63...