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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services


12-B. 7.


!tem.| 1913-14. HEADQUARTERS AND DISTRICT STAFFS— continued. £ £ 12 13 VOTE No. 62— continued, (d.) Other Charges for and incidental to —continued. Uniform allowance to members of Permanent staff ... Contingencies, including unforeseen expenditure incidental to the other items of the vote ... • 600 50 1,550 Less estimated credits under section 48 of the Public Revenues Act, 1910 50 Total—Vote No. 62... 1,500 80,12 ROYAL NEW ZEALAND ARTILLERY. VOTE No. 63. (a.) Pay : Garrison Artillery Section — 3 Majors at £475 per annum 2 Captains: 1 at £400 and 1 at £375 per annum 2 Lieutenants at £250 per annum 2 2nd Lieutenants at £200 per annum ... 2 Honorary Lieutenants at £257 per annum 2 2nd-class Master-Gunners (W.O's) at lis. 3d. per diem (also allowance in lieu of quarters, 2 at £25 per annum) 2 Sergeant-majors (W.O's.) at lis. 3d. per diem (also allowance in lieu of quarters, 2 at £25 per annum) 3 Battery or Company Sergeant-majors at 10s. 3d. per diem (also allowance in lieu of quarters, £25 per annum) 2 Battery or Company Quartermaster-Sergeants at 10s. 9d. per diem (also allowance in lieu of quarters, £25 per annum) 12 Sergeants at 9s. 9d. per diem 12 Corporals at 9s. 3d. per diem 16 Bombardiers at 8s. 9d. per diem 105 Gunners at 7s. 3d. per diem 7 Armament Artificers: 2 at 12s., 2 at lis. 6d, 1 at lis., 1 at 10s., and 1 at 9s. 6d. per diem 7 Carpenter Artificers: 2 at lis. 6d., 1 at lis., 1 at 9s. 6d., and 3 at 8s. 3d. per diem 2 Painter Artificers at lis. per diem 2 Machinery Artificers at lis. per diem ... 2 Instrument - repairing Artificers: 1 at lis. and 1 at 10s. 6d. per diem 2 Sergeant Coxswains at 9s. 9d. per diem 1 Corporal Coxswain at 9s. 3d. per diem 7 Clerks: 1 Regimental Sergeant-major at lis. 3d., 2 Staff-Sergeants at 10s. 3d., 1 Sergeant at 9s. 9d., 2 Corporals at 9s. 3d., and 1 Bombardier at 8s. 9d. per diem 1,425 775 500 400 514 411 411 561 392 2,135 2,026 2,555 13,893 1,414 1,246' 402 402 392 356 169 1,255 195 31,634 (b.) Pay : Field Artillery Section — 3 Captains: 1 at £400,1 at £375, and 1 at £350per annum 2 2nd Lieutenants at £200 per annum ... 5 Battery or Company Sergeant-majors : 2 at lis. 3d. and 3 at 10s. 3d. per diem (also allowance in lieu of quarters, 3 at £25 per annum) 1,125 400 972