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Certificate of proficiency (M.A. standard) : Williamson, Ernest Alfred—in physical science (heat). Certificate of proficiency (B.A. standard) : Hodgson, Ruth Jane—in pure mathematics ; Lawry, Bertha Mabel —in education ; Simpson, Anne —in Latin and economics. Degree of Bachelor of Science : Corkill, Francis Malcolm ; Gudex, Michael Christian, M.A.; Kidson, Harold Percy, 8.A.; Rands, Henry, M.A. Degree of Bachelor of Laws : Herman, Cedric Arthur ; McMullin, Henry James ; Spratt, Frederick Campbell; Twyneham, Roy. The following passed in certain subjects for the degree of Bachelor of Laws : Gresson, Kenneth Macfarlane ; Livingstone, Robert Heaton ; Menzies, William Greig ; Murchison, Donald Sinclair ; Paterson, Stanley Logan. Degree of Bachelor of Commerce : Holliss, Geoffrey James. The following passed in certain subjects for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce : Currie. Archibald Ernest (M.A.) ; Westerman, Victor Leonard ; Wilkinson, Alfred Owen. Degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) : Smith, Thomas Dalrymple. The following passed in certain subjects for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering : Bauchop, Duncan Forrest; Hutton, Leslie Bertram; Lush, Arthur: Maclndoe, George; Corkill, Francis Malcolm ; Cameron, Donald Lochiel ; Collins. John Christopher ; Doake, David ; Robinson, Isaac Richard ; Simmers, William Wallace. The following passed the Engineering Entrance Examination : Cameron, Donald Lochiel ; Collins, John Christopher: Gough, Edgar Charles; Hyde, William Julius; Recce, Guy Neville; Taylor, Conway. Degree of Bachelor of Agriculture : Hill, Walter Stanley. The following passed in certain subjects for the degree of Bachelor of -Agriculture : Gummer, Frederick Gilbert ; McQueen, John Alexander ; Holford, George Henry. Senior University Scholarships : Corkill, Francis Malcolm —in electricity : Marshall, Charles Stanley—in economics ; Purchas, Alban Charles Theodore —in geology. The Haydon Prize (University), for an essay on " The Value of the British Navy to the Colonies," was won by Joseph Vivian Wilson, of Canterbury College. Canterbury College Exhibitions: Carrington, Philip —in Latin ; Wilson, Joseph V. —in Greek ; Lambie, George, S. —in English ; Knight, Leslie A.—ln French ; Marshall, Charles S.—in German ; Macfarlane, Samuel G.—in history ; Purchase, John E.—in economics ; Parr, Stephen —in mental science ; Robinson, Isaac R. —in applied mathematics ; Rowe, Harold V.—in chemistry ; Harvey. Elizabeth A. —in biology ; Purchas, Alban C. T.—in geology. Sir George Grey Scholarship —Gilling, William 0. R. The following passed the Senior (third year) Music Examination, and qualified for the College certificate : Boot, Evelyn A.; Cook, Jessie ; Sly, Margaret Amy ; Wilson, Violet. School of Engineering Entrance Exhibition : Taylor, Conway. School of Engineering Associateship (Civil) : Hicks, Richard J. The number of students of this College who have succeeded in passing the various examinations for degrees given by the University of New Zealand are as follows : Litt.D., 2 ; M.A., 215 ; 8.A., 431 ; D.Sc, 2 ; M.Sc, 16 ; B.Sc, 52 ; LL.D., 4 ; LL.M., 1 ; LL.B., 68 ; B.Comm., 3 ; Mus. Bac, 4 ; B. Engineering (mechanical), 16 ; B. Engineering (electrical), 22 ; B. Engineering (civil), 3. Since the foundation of the University of New Zealand the following awards in honours and in scholarships, &c, have been gained by students from this College : — Honours in Arts : Double first-class honours, 10 ; First-class honours (exclusive of above), 57. Honours in science : Double first-class honours, 2 ; First-class honours (exclusive of above), 2. Scholarships and prizes : Third-year scholarships (only awarded in 1878), 2 ; Senior University Scholarships, 105 ; John Tinline Scholarships, 9 ; 1851 Exhibition Science Scholarships, 4 ; Bowen Prizes, 21 ; Bowen Prizes (proxitne accesserunt), 3 ; Macmillan-Brown Memorial Prize, 2 ; Haydon Prize (first awarded in 1910), 2. Summary of Receipts and Expenditure for Years 1911 and 1912. Receipts. 1911. 1912. ( , ( -/*- t 8. d. £ s. d. £ h. d. £ s. d. To Balanco at Ist January .. .. .. .. +86 17 3 .. 3,644 1 9 Ronts from rosorvos .. .. .. 16,668 15 6 17,617 19 0 Intorest on mortgagos and dobontnres .. 621 0 0 621 0 0 Houso-ront .. .. .. 102 12 4 103 10 0 Foos (including capitation for freo placos, &c.) 8,245 10 0 8,204 4 7 Govornmont grants and subsidies (oxelusivo of capitation for froo places) .. .. 5,049 16 1 3,996 13 11 Public Library subscriptions, fines. &c. .. 836 9 7 787 4 9 Ropaymont of loan .. .. 50 0 0 Rovonuo from boquosts and donation .. 712 10 0 837 10 0 Salo of Timaru town soctiona .. .. .. 1,250 0 0 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 132 19 4 187 12 3 32,419 12 10 33,605 14 6 £32,906 10 1 £37,249 16 3