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Ealing Domain. Reserve No. 3112, Rangitata Survey District. Area, 10 acres, improvements now on domain : Fencing, gates, and plantation. Used for grazing. Ellesmbrb Domain. Reserve No. 1630, Southbridge Survey District. Area, 213 acres. Work done during year : Fences trimmed, gorse grubbed, grandstand repaired, and erection of new picket fence commenced. On Osborne Park conveniences were built, fencing erected round trees, and an arch placed over the entrance-gate. Ornamental trees were planted on the Southbridge recreation-ground. Improvements consist of building, grandstand, office, racing-track, windmill and concrete trough, about one and a half miles of fencing, gates, and plantation; on Osborne Park, gates, bridge, trees, and fencing; on the Southbridge ground, gates, picket fence, and trees. Used for sports, races, and picnics. Operations for ensuing year : Completing repairs to grandstand, the trimming of fences, and erection of picket fence, all on the home domain. Fairlie Domain. Reserve No. 2755, Tengawai Survey District. Area, 29 acres 2 roodb Work done during year : New fencing and gates erected, water-races cleaned, gorse grubbed, trees planted and grounds laid out, grass cut, and seats placed in position. Improvements now on domain : 100 chains of standard-and-wire fencing, 34 chains of willow protective planting, with bank, swimming-pond, and trees. Used for general recreation and for grazing. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Continuation of present work in the direction of making domain suitable for a pleasure resort, and further planting and river-protection works as funds permit. Geraldine Domain. Reserves Nos. 305, 306, 1624, and 2716, Town of Geraldine. Area, 94 acres 1 rood 21 perches. Work done during year : 16 chains of new fence erected, Coronation gates completed, blackberry cleared in Bush Domain, and paths and drives kept in good order. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, gates, paths, flower-beds, bicycle-track, pavilion and rooms, swimmingbath, dressing-sheds, plantation, and specimen trees. Used for sports, cricket, football, bowls, and picnics. Portion of the domain is leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Topdressing cricket-oval, and keeping paths, fences, and flower-beds in good order. Glentunnel Domain. Reserve No. 2407, Sections Nos. 35467 and 35468, and part of Selwyn River bed, Block VIII, Hororata Survey District. Area, 146 acres and 15 perches. Work done during year : Fences renewed and trimmed, gorse grubbed, gates, stiles, and by-laws erected, seats renewed, and trees trimmed and avenue partly formed in the plantation. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, shrubs, copper and pump house, ladies' and gentlemen's cloak-rooms, dressing-shed, committee-rooms, concrete cricket-pitch, two grass and one asphalt tennis-courts. Used for cricket, football, tennis, picnics, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Felling trees, forming walks, improving sportsgrounds, erecting seats in avenues, and general maintenance. Governor's Bay Domain. Reserve No. 3060, Block VII, Halswell Survey District. Area, 6 acres 2 roods 3 perches. Work done during year : Grounds kept in repair. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, public hall, supper-room, ladies' dressing-room, dwellinghouse, stables, harness-room, trap-house, drains, trees, flower-beds, and shrubs. Used for sports, cricket, and picnics. Portion leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Repairing dwellinghouse. * Grebndalb Domain. Reserve No. 1565 and part of Rural Section No. 9097, Block XIV, Hawkins Survey District. Area, 15 acres and 4 perches. Work done during year : New standard-and-wire boundary-fence erected, and two new stiles built. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, pavilion, asphalt cricket-pitch, asphalt tennis-court, plantations, and cottage. Used for cricket and tennis. Leased. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Repairing cottage, and replacing failures in trees. The tennis club propose laying down another asphalt court. Halswell Domain. Reserve No. 110, Block XIV, Christchurch Survey District. Area, 20 acres. Work done during year : New drain cut through sandhill, the spoil being used to fill waterholes at the main entrance, and sides of drain faced with rocks; cycle-track laid down by Sports Club, and new well sunk by Tennis Club, both with assistance from the Board. Failures replaced in Coronation Avenue. Improvements now on domain : Fences, plantations, drains, sportstrack, tennis-courts, three artesian wells, and pavilion. Used for sports, tennis, and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Adding new room to pavilion and general maintenance.