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Chhistchuech Domain. Parts of Reserves Nos. 24 and 25, Block XI, Christchurch Survey District. Area, 495 acres. Work done during year : About 10 acres on west side of tea-kiosk prepared for children's playground; walks in old native section shingled and remade; new rhododendron-border trenched and planted, and new walk formed on south side of same; new gates erected at Riccarton entrance; 16 acres cropped with potatoes to clean land for resowing and levelling for hockeygrounds; rose-garden and native section extended; new Australian section laid out; new nursery formed in North Park; river-bank at Carlton Bridge levelled and improved; large number of imported shrubs planted; and large tool-house, stables, and cart-sheds erected. A large sum was raised by means of a garden fete. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, iron and other gates, avenues, walks, carriage-drives, magnetic observatory, museum, house for head gardener, cottage for park ranger and garden caretaker, tool-sheds, three hothouses, spade-house, stables, cart-sheds, four large and several small bridges, lawns, walks, avenues, water-tanks, motor-pump, artesian wells, five ornamental lakes, nursery, trees, and tea-kiosk. Used for acclimatization purposes and for polo, golf, cricket, bowls, tennis, croquet, football, hockey, model-yachting, military encampments and reviews, picnics, and general recreation. Coalgatb Domain. Reserve No. 2409, Block VIII, Hororata Survey District. Area, 28 acres 2 roods 29 perches. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantations, asphalt tennis-court and croquet-court. Used for tennis, croquet, and grazing. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting ladies' room and conveniences, trimming fences, eradicating gorse, and planting laurel fence by tenniscourt. Conwat Domain. Section No. 46, Block XII, Hawkswood Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Leased for grazing. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and grassing. Couetenay Domain. Reserve No. 2413, Block VIII, Hawkins Survey District. Area, 20 acres. Improvements now on domain : Boundary and inner fences and plantations. Used for picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Culverdbn Domain. Reserve No. 3758, Block VI, Culverden Survey District, Culverden Settlement. Area, 18 acres 2 roods 31 perches. Work done during year : Grass cleared from trees in plantations. Improvements now on domain: Standard, wire, and netting fencing, plantations, bridge, gates, and turnstile. The banks of the creek have been levelled and planted with shrubs. Used for cricket, tennis, and croquet. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Ploughing and sowing down domain in grass, and levelling banks of stream. Oust Domain. Reserves Nos. 2422 and 2423, Mairaki Survey District. Area, 17 acres 3 roods 33 perches. The domain is now under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, Christchurch. Daefibld Domain. Reserve No. 2635, Hawkins Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Improvements now on domain : Sod fences with gorse and wire, trees, two asphalt tenniscourts, and wooden building. Used for tennis and football. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Topping trees and grubbing gorse. Domett Domain. Reserves Nos. 3177, Block XIX, -3241 and 3895, Block XVI, Lowry Peaks Survey District, and 3148, Cheviot Survey District. Area, 36 acres and 38 perches. Work done during year : Trees planted. Improvements now on domain : Fencing, plantation, and two tennis-courts. Used for general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Fencing and tree-planting. Portion leased. DoRiB Domain. Reserve No. 3568, Block VI, Rakaia Survey District. Area, 4 acres. Improvements now on domain : Fencing and trees. Used for general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. Dunsandel Domain. Reserve No. 316, Block VIII, Selwyn Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year : Trees topped, stile erected,,, and shingling carried out. Improvements now on domain : Four-roomed cottage, pavilion containing three rooms, bowling-green, tennis-courts, cricket-ground, running-track, swimming-bath, and plantations. Used for cricket, football, bowls, tennis, hockey, bathing, croquet, and sports.