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Westbrook. Since the Government Kumara Water-race has been extended to this field there has been a considerable revival in raining. Six parties of miners are engaged at sluicing or upon the development of their claims. BarrytowH. The Barrytown Flat Elevating Claim continues to find profitable employment for thirteen men. A new plant has been installed. gold-miners' relief fund. During the year nine applications were dealt with under the Gold-miners' Relief Fund, and certificates issued totalling £20 on account of minor accidents. ACCIDENTS. I have pleasure in stating that there have been no serious or fatal accidents in my inspection district during the past year.

% SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Mr. Thomas Thomson, Inspector op Mines, Dunbdin. quabtz-mines. Bare-wood Gold-mining Company (Limited), Barewood. —This mine continues idle. The property is held under option, and it is problematical if it will materialize into any useful work. No miningwork has been done during the year. A. C. BucMand and Ewart. —The property being prospected by this party is located some three miles from the Barewood Railway-station, and is 100 acres in extent. A good amount of surface trenching has been done along the line of reef, and what is termed a good surface-showing of scheelite disclosed. The reef varies from 4 ft. to 1 ft;, in width. A low level is being put in, which will give 100 ft. of backs, and determine the permanency or otherwise of the lode. The proposition is under option to a syndicate. Mount Highlay Gold and Scheelite Mining Company, Hyde. —Work was resumed at this mine towards the end of the year, after having been stopped for over twelve months. The owners gave an option to a Christchurch syndicate, and six men were immediately started to work. Two prospecting-levels are being put in, but are not yet sufficiently advanced to cut the lode. Highlay Tungsten-mine, Mount Highlay (the Gold and Scheelite Proprietary Company (Limited), owners). —Operations are now confined to Gilmour's reef. A tram-line has been constructed 25 chains in length to convey the stone to the battery. The reef is 5 ft. in width, and lying very flat. The country in the immediate vicinity has the appearance of being much faulted. Macrae's. Maritana Mining Company (gold and scheelite). —A large amount of development-work was carried out by the company. No. 3 level was put in and opened up 100 ft. block below No. 2, and the three levels are connected at intervals, securing good ventilation. The stopes will require careful timbering. The ten-stamp battery was completed, and has commenced crushing. Eleven men are employed at the mine and mill. 1,290 tons of quartz was treated, yielding 23 oz. 12 dwt. 1 gr. of gold and 2 tons 6 cwt. scheelite concentrates, of a total value of £245 16s. 6d. Golden Point Quartz-mine (the Gold and Scheelite Proprietary Company, Limited). —Development has continued on the three separate reefs, the main battery supply coming from No. 1, No. 3, and Home levels. The Round Hill section is being opened up at the south end of the claim. Two levels are in progress to test the reef outcropping in this part of the property. Difficulty is still being experienced in the recovery of the scheelite. Preparations are being made to install a roastingfurnace and a magnetic separator. It is considered by roasting to render the pyrites in the concentrates magnetic and then remove them from the scheelite by magnetic separation. The scheelite concentrates can then be raised to a sufficiently high percentage (WO 3 ) to command a reasonable price. The pyritic contents are also valuable in gold, and can be shipped for treatment. The quantity of ore produced for the year was 11,779 tons, and returned 1,1290z. 2 dwt. gold and 10 tons 5 cwt. scheelite, a total value of £5,317 6s. 7d. Twenty men are employed in the mine. Golden Ridge Mining Company (previously known as the Goldfinch). —This property was acquired by the Golden Ridge Company during the year. The previous owners (White and party) mined and treated for the year up till the time of the sale 368 tons, for a return of 91 oz. 18 dwt., valued at £312 12s. 9d. This ore was mainly obtained from very shallow workings. The new owners have commenced driving a level to cut the reef-system at some depth, giving a supply of backs, 150 ft. having been driven. A cyanide plant is to be added to the reduction-works. Golden Bar Quartz-mine. —Work has been fairly actively carried on at this mine. The old fivestamp battery on the ground before the claim was taken up by this company has been all remodelled, and an oil-engine installed for driving purposes. The ore is being obtained from opencast workings on the outcrop of the reef. Six men are employed, and 536 tons of ore has been treated, yielding 36 oz. 13 dwt. gold and 1 ton 14 cwt. scheelite, total value £302 ss. sd. Deep Dell Mining Company. —This company's property adjoins the Maritana Mining Company's claim. A large outcrop of a flat reef is to be seen, and a little prospecting-work has been done. The

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