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Five-mile Beach Claim, near Oharito. —lt is at last proposed to rework the Five-mile Beach leads, which in the early days of mining on the West Coast proved very remunerative. The present owners of this claim propose to erect a suction dredge, equipped with centrifugal pumps by Thompson, of Castlemaine, which should render available ground hitherto unattainable by the primitive and earlier methods of mining. Ross. Mont dOr Gold-mining Company. —This company produced gold to the value of £4,665, and declared dividends amounting to £2,400. For many years this mine has been a constant dividend producer. Ross Goldfields (Reconstructed) (Limited). —On this company resuming operations after its reconstruction the water-race and power plant were thoroughly overhauled. Pumping by electrically driven turbo-centrifugal pumps then commenced, and the mine was unwatered, and the workings found in good order. Unfortunately, however, there have since been three stoppages of operations caused by failure of the electrical current, two of which were due to fusing in the transmission-line, and the other to a breakaway on the water-race above the power-house. There is now being installed a Diesel engine for the purpose of duplicating the power plant, which will obviate stoppage of pumping and winding operations in the mine in future in the event of a breakdown of the electrical power. Drives at the No. 6 level are at present being carried in the direction of the old Cassius mine-workings, and from these drives horizontal boreholes are being drilled in advance, to guard against inundation of water which may be lodged in such old workings. Watertight doors have also been installed for use in case of emergency. This necessary work is being carried out under strict supervision, as no accurate plans exist of much of the old workings on Ross Flat, in which water may be impounded. Lake Mahinapua Gold-mining Company. —The operations of this company have been much restricted owing to inadequate water for their elevating plant. This company are working, by hydraulic sluicing and elevating, the Aylmer lead, which was formerly in places found by the early miners to be fairly rich. It is now proposed to thoroughly prospect this lead over an extensive area, and, if successful, to work the same by centrifugal sand-pumps. Rimu and Bach Creek. About thirty claims employ from two to six men each, who are at present obtaining fairly successful returns by hydraulic sluicing. The absence of a continuous supply of water is much felt in this locality. Kanieri Forks. Two small parties of miners and a few old men are employed sluicing and prospecting in this once well-known mining field. Kanieri. Seven parties of miners are engaged upon this field. The majority, however, have only met with moderate success during 1912. During the year a Government Keystone drill was employed at testing one of the claims, the results of which were satisfactory. Hokitika. T>. Lincoln and party have been operating the old Montezuma ground, after installation of a Kershaw steam-driven centrifugal pump of limited capacity for elevating the material. As a result of experiments made with this type of pump on the black sands of this district, a considerable area elsewhere has been taken up for the purpose of working by this, for the West Coast, somewhat novel method of mining, which is successfully employed in Victoria and elsewhere. The Blue Spur and Hau Hau Claim still continues to be profitably worked on a small scale. The Humphries Gully Claim, owned by the Consolidated Goldfields (Limited), has been let on tribute. The material raised is of low grade. It is hoped, however, by further development to obtain better results. Stafford and Goldsboroiigh. About twelve parties of miners, by the aid of water from the Government races, are enabled to work with considerable profit upon new ground in this hitherto productive mining field. Callaghan's. Four sluicing parties have been profitably engaged during the year, with the assistance of water from the Government water-races. Red Jack's. Three parties of miners have here been employed profitably during the year. Dillm,an's and Larrikins. At Dillman's and Larrikins three parties of miners have been engaged, only one of which, however, has obtained adequately remunerative results. Cape Terrace. Four parties have been operating, with moderate results owing to shortage of water. In this locality there appears to be a considerable quantity of unworked ground of somewhat low grade, but with a copious water-supply this ground would be payable,