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No. 17. —Return of Steamers and Oil-engine Vessels surveyed, etc. — continued.

NoTB-T-The figure (2) after the name of a vessel shows vessel to have been twice surveyed.


Name of Vessel. Tons Measurement. u CD m O 'Si U cd fft 03 ■ (33 03 Q. 03 _ . £ .a- a .ft s P- 4-4(1 04gK£ 03 g-wrtft 0 a «ftH**-S a.ftB v u .ftLlo^ O O cd P. O fc oi^ft? CO rH S-S 00» 00 . MM CD di 1 0) w CD CD to -.S S S| "SIS'"-] a P.-3 oo. VH Description of Machinery. Screw. Paddle. Spray Squall Standard Stella (Auckland) Stella (Hokianga) Stella (Whangarei) Sterling (Auckland) .. Sterling (Kaipara) St. George Storm Stormbird Stromboli Sucoess (Auckland) .. Success (Moana) Sumner Sunbeam Swan (Auckland) Swan (Napier) Sybil Sylph Sylvia Tainui (Kohanga) Tainui (Waitara) Takapuna (Auckland) Takapuna (Dunedin).. Talune Tanfield Lea Tangaroa Taniwha (Auckland) .. Taniwha (Timaru) Tarakihi Tarawera Tarewai (2) Tauranganui Taviuni Tawera Te Akau Te Anau (Bluff) Te Anau (Dunedin) .. Te Aroha Te Aumiti Te Awhina Te Kooti Te Kura Te Pioneer Te Rangi Terawhiti Te Rhino Te Wake Te Whaka Te Wharu Thelma The Minerva The Peregrine Theresa Ward (2) Thistle (Moana) Thistle (Wanganui) .. Tikitere Tio.. Tiro Tofua (2) Togo Toiler Traveller Tuatea Tui (Nelson) Tui (Picton) Tuirangi Tukua Turanga Tutanekai Uira Undine Uta Utu Vaite Victoria Victory (Meroer) Victory (Rotorua) 2-6 368 12 268 2-49 46 56 96 3-02 405 217 2-94 11-04 2-5 167 3 5 23-7 2-07 1-13 4-8 2-1 128 77 1,036 2,086 4-6 189 263 2 133 9 157 1-8 3-5 4-2 26 2-26 185 129 2-2 8-28 1-9 94 2-25 3-8 16-1 1-5 0-85 3-6 1-6 598 57 472 1,370 3-15 109 191 16 3 B.H.P. 60 10 B.H.P. 90 4 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. '12 B.H.P. 39 jJfl8 B.H.P. 70 40 5 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 3 B.H.P. 35 4J B.H.P. 1* 10 5 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 24 25 165 255 12 B.H.P. 70 40 16 4 250 11 8 B.H.P. 135 40 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 250 85 B.H.P. 10 B.H.P. 99 5 B.H.P. 7 B.H.P. 13 6 B.H.P. 99 5 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 45 74 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 14 52| 95 4 B.H.P. 90 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 4 B.H.P. 5 B.H.P. 354 14 134 4 28 5 B.H.P. 1J B.H.P. 22J 9 B.H.P. 25 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 31 10 B.H.P. 50 B.H.P. 8 B.H.P. 30 B.H.P. 20 B.H.P. 9 B.H.P. 6 B.H.P. 258 238 172 271 203 Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oilengine High pressure Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Single.. 147 Compound S. condensing High pressure Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing 1,414 1,705 Paddle. Single.. Twin .. 2,003 22-8 3-5 1,465 52 3-3 2-28 1,652 106-1 4-25 220 3-04 2-4 36-2 2-73 259-8 5-52 4-58 323-6 3-84 3-5 48-2 244-9 194 1-98 96 3-95 3-4 4-5 4,345 1,269 11-4 2-6 978-6 44 2-4 1-71 1,028 56-9 3-2 1-52 2-28 1-8 24-5 205 46-8 4-14 3-44 140-5 2-88 2-62 21-3 162-1 9 1-49 77 2-98 2-55 3-4 2,634 1,500 Ordinary condensing High pressure Compound S. oondensing Single.. 811 Oil-engine Quadruple-ex. S. conden. Oil-engine 1,238 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. Twin .. Single.. 543 Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine 846 Compound S. condensing Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Compound S. condensing Oil engine Compound S. condensing Triple-ex. S. condensing 464 Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 3,234 Triple-ex. S. condensing Compound S. condensing Twin .. 49-86 27-79 Single.. 112 1-4 1-03 124-4 13-9 58 1-05 0-7 71-8 10-5 18-3 2-05 228 Oil-engine Triple-ex. S. condensing Oil-engine Twin .. Single.. 2-73 High pressure Oil-engine 7-09 31 2-49 106-8 5-5 2-6 3-9 5-22 23-2 1-87 92-6 4-2 1-9 2-9