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Prospecting has been carried on on these holdings, but none of the licenses have been converted into claims. MOTUEKA AND TaKAKA. In Motueka Court several prospecting licenses have been granted over lands in and about Mount Arthur. Prospecting-work is being carried on. but no permanent claims have been taken up. There is nothing at all doing in Takaka. Colijngwood. In this Court the number of grants is small. The old-established claims in the district are carrying on apparently with payable results. The position of the Parapara Ironworks Company is tii■ last year. The company is carrying on preparatory works with a reduced number of men, but no satisfactory progress can be made until a large amount of capital is forthcoming. The Onekaka Iron Company (T. A. Turnbull and party) are moving in the direction of commencing operations. A mineral lease has been applied for over a large area, and next year shouM something done in the way of erecting plant to treat the iron-ore with which the district abounds. Generally, in the whole district more attention is being given to prospecting, but otherwise the industry is not very vigorous. I huve, &c, J. S. Evans. Warden.

Mr. Warden Florance, Blenheim, to the Under-Secretary. Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Blenheim, 2nd April, 1912. I have the honour to report that during the year ended the 31st December last the quartzmining in my district has not attained to much success, but work seems to be steadily proceeding, especially at Wakamarina Valley, where the claims hitherto held by Messrs. Humphries Bros, have now been amalgamated, and are being worked under the title of " The Dominion Consolidated Developing Company (Limited)," with a capital of £15,000, all shares in which are sold. This company is ;nining for gold and scheelite, and is reported as having realized £1,358 — i.e.. £1,133 worth of gold, and the balance in scheelite. Their total expenditure for the year amounted to £3,517, of which over £1,500 has been spent in development. This latter expenditure has resulted, it is stated, in the opening-up of a considerable ore reserve for treatment by a twenty-stamp mill, now being installed, having a capacity of about 1.200 tons per month. Mes.srs. Nelson and Mayo are. also constructing a considerable length of water-race foi sluicing at their claim in the same valley. These two companies are showing considerable enterprise in their endeavours to develop their property. A few other quart/, claims are held, and alluvial mining is being carried on. Messrs. Larkin and party installed hydraulic elevators at Enchanted Creek, and attempted to bottom some alluvial wash in the bed of the Wairau River, but without success. The average number of men employed at this place was four. The yield of gold was 5 oz., valued at £19 7s. 6d. ; and the expenditure £1,315. The Wairau Valley Gold-mining Company, at Top Valley, employed two men driving a prospecting-tumiel at the old Jubilee Mine in search of the reef at a lower level. A total distance of about 900 ft. was driven, but without success. Messrs. Bowman and party, Morayshire Claim, at Top Valley, with the aid of two men, sank a winze on an outcrop of a scheelite-bearing quartz lode about 3 ft. wide, and produced 2 tons of handpicked scheelite. This claim appears to be worthy of a little development-work to prove the extent of the lode. At Cullensville, Mahakipawa, £300 has been spent in bringing up a race. It is anticipated that £700 would need to be expended to enable Mr. Morton to drain the selection and get down on the gold. Coal. In the neighbourhood of Picton some prospecting for coal has been proceeding, but no returns have come in yet. William Lucena and party held a prospecting license granted on the 2nd November, 1911, in respect of 17 acres in this district. At Endeavour Inlet, Queen Charlotte Sound, where some twenty years ago a considerable thickness of antimonite was known to exist, no recent operations have been carried on for the purpose of reviving this industry, and the land had been thrown open for selection under section 190 of the Land Act, 1908. Generally, no serious accidents have been reported. I have, &c, R. Stone Florance, Warden.

Mr. Warden Rawson, Westport, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Westport, 25th March, 1912. 1 have the honour to report as follows upon the gold-mining industry in the Karamea Mining District for the twelve months ended the 31st December, 1911.