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ANNEXURE B. REPORTS OF WARDENS. Mr. Warden Frazer, Whangarei, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Blß,— The Warden's Office, Whangarei, 22nd May, 1912. I have the honour to present my annual report on the Puhipuhi Mining District for the year ended the 31st December, 1911. There has been increased activity in the mining industry in this district. Twenty-nine miners' rights were issued, as against twenty for 1910, while nineteen ordinary prospecting licenses were issued, as against one ordinary prospecting license and one prospecting warrant during 1910. Three applications for special quartz claims were granted, as against none during 1910. The revenue from fees (exclusive of fees on the issue of miners' rights) increased from £1 14s. in 1910 to £10 3s. in 1911, and rents and royalties increased from £2 in the former year to £54 during 1911. In regard to coal-mining, however, there has been a fall in rents and royalties collected, the amounts being £324 16s. 6d. during 1910, as against £140 during 1911. During the past year some attention was given to cinnabar, and samples have been forwarded for analysis. Some activity prevailed a few years ago in this branch of mining, but owing to lack of funds the work then carried out was inconclusive. More thorough investigation is now being undertaken. I have, &c, F. V. Frazer, Warden.

Mr. Warden Frazer, Thames, to the Uxder-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir,— Warden's Office, Thames, 6th June, 1912. I have the honour to present my report on the Hauraki Mining District for the year ended 31st December, 1911. The result of the operations in the Hauraki district during the period under review shows an increase in the yield of gold in the Ohinemuii and Piako Counties, and a decrease in the yield in Coromandel County, Thames County and Borough, and Waihi Borough. There has been a decrease in the yield of the district as a whole, amounting to £183,220 13s. Id. in value, the figures being—for 1910, £1,324,456 Is. sd. ; and for 1911, £1,141,235 Bs. Id. Notwithstanding the above decline in gold-production, the position cannot be regarded as altogether unsatisfactory, for though the Waihi Company's mine alone shows a decrease of over £224,000, this amount has been set off to the extent of nearly £40,000 by the excess of increases over decreases in the yields of the other mines. The anticipation of a falling-off in the Waihi Company's yield, owing to the diminished richness of the famous Martha lode, has unfortunately been realized ; but the £40,000 net increase in the production of the other mines is a source of gratification. The most important development in the mining industry for the past year was the completion of the Waihi-Paeroa Gold-extraction Company's plant at Paeroa. The works are designed for the recovery and treatment of the coarse sands and tailings from the Ohinemuri River, and are most complete and modern in construction. They should add considerably to the output of the district. In the Thames subdistrict the chief interest centres upon the deep-levels crosscut, which at the end of the year had progressed 1,241 ft., with a further 350 ft. on the Saxon Company's subsidiary crosscut. The completion of the crosscut will enable important work to be done in developing the lower levels of the field, and sanguine hopes are entertained of the results that will follow. As I have only recently assumed the temporary charge of the district, I cannot furnish more than a general report, but from what I have been able to gather from a perusal of statistics and other documents at my disposal, and from my own observations made when visiting the different parts of the district, I am satisfied that the results of the year 1911, though not so succcessful as those of past years, afford justification for encouragement and hope for the future. Steady development is progressing, and interest in the field is well maintained. I have, &c, F. V. Frazer, Warden.

Mr. Warden Evans, Nelson, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir — Warden's Office, Nelson, 10th May, 1912. I have the honour to report on the mining industry in the Nelson portion of the Earamea Mining District for the year ended the 31st December, 1911. Nelson. The only business transacted in the Warden's Court has been the granting of prospecting licenses in or about Wangapeka. Some of these are renewals of grants made last year. The total number granted during the year is eleven.