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No. 16.-Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness— continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. Where surveyed. I Nature of Casualty, <£c. I 1910. Nov. 11 .. • Nov. 25 Nov. 26 .. Nov. 30 J Dec. 2 Dec. 7, 0 S.s. Morayshire .. j Dunedin S.8. Maori . . Wellington 8.S. Mapourika .. \ Nelson O.e.v. Oroto .. Auckland S.s. VVootton .. j Lyttelton This vessel was on a voyage from Liverpool to New Zealand. She called at Durban, and on the 21st September, shortly after leaving the latter port, it was found there were 16 in. of water in No. 2 starboard bilge. After the vessel's arrival in New Zealand, she was docked on the 11th November at Port Chalmers. A survey of the hull wi'.s made, when sixteen defective rivets were found on the port side of vessel, and forty-eight on the starboard aide. These were all cut out and renewed. A leak was discovered in a length of this vessel's main steam pipe while on the trip from Lyttelton to Wellington on the 24th November. On arrival in Wellington the pipe was taken off and a new pipe-joint was fitted to it. The pipe was afterwards tested to 3001b. hydraulic pressure before being fitted on board. On a trip from Westport to Nelson on the 26th November a leak was discovered in the centre combustion-chamber back plate of the main boiler. On arrival at Nelson a survey was made, when a small hole was discovered near one of tho screwed stays. Temporary repairs were made at Nelson to enable the vessel to continue her voyage to Wellington, where permanent repairs were effeoti d. This vessel, on the 26th November, was off Cape Colville, steaming between Auckland and Gisborne, when she was found to bo making water. On examination it was discovered that the stem-tube was slack, the water ooming in around the tube. The vessel returned to Auckland, and was put on the slip. A survey was made, when it was found that the outer nut on tho stern-tube had become slack. This was securely tightened up, which made the vessel quite seaworthy. At 3.15 p.m. on the 1st December this vessel was attempting to cross the Kaiapoi bar, on a voyage from Greymouth to Kaiapoi, when she grounded and remained fast until 7.15 p.m., when she floated off. After discharging cargo the vessel proceeded to Lyttelton, and was placed on the slip for survey. Tho vessel was found to have sustained damage to her rudder, stempost, and forefoot; the stem bush was also much worn down. A new ironbark rudder was made and fitted, the tiller was straightened ; two new copper fastenings were put througli keel under aperture, and lift, of the false keel under forefoot was renewed. The propeller-shaft was drawn, the after liner was turned up true, and a now lignum-vitse stem-bush fitted. The hull was caulked and recoppered where necessarv. On a voyage from Karamea to Lyttelton, on the 29th November, this vessel grounded on the Karamea bar and remained fast until the following day. An anchor was put out. and by hauling on to this, and at the same time using her own engines, she was floated off, and proceeded on her voyage. The vessel was placed on the slip at Lyttolton, when fifteen new copper fastenings were fitted to hull on starboard side ; several butts were caulked, and repairs wen made to copper sheathing where necessarv. j This vessel had just arrived at Pieton from Wellington on the 17th Deccmbor, and whilst berthing at the wharf came into collision with the s.s. " Pateena," already moored at the wharf. The damage to the vessel was all above the deck, and she was allowed to continue her Port Ahuriri. On arrival there a survey was made, when the gusset-plate connecting the bulwarks to the after end of foreuastlc-head was found to be fractured. two bulwark bulb-stays buckled, and the bulwarks se1 in for a length of 3 ft. All the damage was on the starboard side. The necessary repairs were carried out before the vossel sailed from Napier. After encountering very heavy weather for several days on the voyage from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Coronel, Chili, and when in south latitude 4!)-20 and west longitude 158, this vessel's rudder-stock broke in the trunkway on (lie 28th September. The vessel for the time being was uncontrollable, and the rudder swinging about from aide to side badly damaged the rudder-trunk and stuffing-box. On the 5th October a jury-rudder was got into position. and the vessel headed for New Zealand. The weather again increased in violence, and the improvised rudder had to be abandoned. A second jury-rudder was made and shipped ; this one lasted for four days, when it was broken by the heavy seas. On the weather moderating a third jury-rudder was made and shipped, which enabled the vessel to make the port of Lyttoltoii, when the following repairs wore effected : A new rudder-stock was made, the trunkway was repaired, one new gudgeon was fitted to rudder, a new bracket was fitted to the rudder-post, and a new stuffing-box fitted to i-udder-head. Dec. 14 S.s. Defender Lyttelton Dee. 2ii S.s. Kairaki Port Ahuriri Dec. 5, 8, 28, 30 S.s. Strathclyde i Lyttelton