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No. 16.—Return of Vessels surveyed for Seaworthiness — continued.

Date of Survey. Name of Vessel. I Where surveyed. Nature of Casualty, &c. 1910. July 29, 30 O.e.v. Albatross.. Onehunga Onehunga Dunedin On the 28th July this vessel was on a voyage from Auckland to Waitara, and when off the Manukau Harbour entrance she was driven on to a bank in the South Channel at Manukau Heads by a southerly wind. Both anchors were dropped, and after the vessel had been bumping slightly on the bank for about two hours and a half both cables parted. The kedge-anchor was put out astern, an,d with its help and the flood tide making, the vessel came off the bank. She proceeded to Onehunga, where a survey was made, and it was found that the vessel had sustained only slight damage. A little copper sheathing on the hull required renewing and also one new plank on the bottom of centre-board. The propeller of this vessel worked loose between the 2nd and the 3rd August, on a voyage from Auckland to Gisborne. The vessel continued her voyage to Dunedin, where she was docked. A Dew leather was fitted to the shaft and the propeller was refitted and securely tightened Aug. IS . . ' S.r. Monowai Dunedin Aug. 21, 23, 25 S.s. Rosamond .. Onehungu Onehungu Wellington Dunodin Wellington Wellington Wellington up. On the 20th August this vessel was lying at her berth at the Onehunga wharf when she was run into by the s.s. "' Kotuku." The collision made two large holes in the sheer-strake plating, and cut through the deck-stringer, bulwark-plating, and rail on the starboard quarter. Repairs were made by renewing one plate in the sheer-strake, pieoing the deck-stringer, renewing the bulwark-plate, and repairing the rail. On the 24th August this vessel was swinging at the Westport wharf, preparatory to sailing for Dunedin. A wire hawser, which was being used for swinging the vessel, became slack and got foul of the propeller. The vessel steamed from Westport to Wellington, accompanied by the " Pukaki." On arrival at Wellington a diver made an examination of the propeller and shaft of the " Taviuni," when he found that there were nine turns of wire rope round the shaft. He removed these and tightened up several of the set-pins in the stern-bush, and the vessel then continued on her voyage to Dunedin. During the voyage of this vessel from Sydney to Auckland on the 19th August, and when off Mokohinou Point, in latitude 35'5(i >S., longitude 174'54 E., a slight vibration was felt by those on board, as if the vessel had struck a submerged log or other floating object. After calling at Auckland, the vessel continued her voyage to Wellington and Dunedin. At the latter port the fore-peak and ballasttanks were examined and sounded. There was a little broken cement in Nos. 1 and 2 tanks, and a slight bulge, evidently not of recent occurrence, was noticed in one of the tanks. All the holds were examined and found in good condition. This vessel was steaming from Newcastle, N.S.W., to Valparaiso on the 22nd August, and when about 750 miles east of New Zealand, the M.P. slide-valve spindle of the main engines broke. It was decided to return to port for repairs. On arrival in Wellington a new mild - steel spindle was made and fitted. The vessel then proceeded on her voyage. On the 20th September this vessel fell in with heavy weather between Onehunga and Gre3'mouth. About seventy miles south of Onehunga the engines were racing heavily, when the after length of tunnel shafting carried away. The breaking of this shaft also bent the next length of tunnelshafting and propeller-shaft, and damaged two of the bearings. A Thompson's coupling, which was on board, was fitted to the broken shaft, enabling the vessel to continue on her voyage at a reduced speed, and arrive at Wellington without further mishap. A new propellershaft, two new tunnel-shafts, two new tunnel-bearings and a new stern-gland were fitted. On further examination of the shafting a slight flaw was discovered in the thrust-shaft. Four steel clamps were put around this, which made it quite seaworthy. At 4 p.m. on tho 13th September, as this vessel was entering Patea Harbour from Wellington, she grounded on the bar. The vessel remained fast until 9 p.m. of the 3rd October, when she was refloated. She returned to Wellington, and was placed on the slip for survey, when it was found that a number of rivets in the hull were loose, and the cement in the forehold and under the boiler broken. All defective rivets were cut out, new rivets fitted, and the broken cement was renewed. Aug. 28 . . S.s. Taviuni Wellington Aug. 28 ,ug. 27, 2'J, 30 S.s. Whakatane Dunodin u g. 31 ; Sept. 3 S.s. Navarino Wellington e p t. 30 ; Oct. 1, 7 S.s. Kotuku Wellington let. 8 S.s. Mana