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H.— 15a.

No. 5.—Return of Non-fatal Accidents in connection with Machinery, &c.— continued.


Name and Address <>f Owner. . Description of Machinery. i Same and Age of Person injured. Date of Accident and Nature "f Injury. Cause of Accident, and Bemarta. Date of Accident and Nature of Injury. Cause of Accident, and Remarks. P. and l>. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Planing .. ' .. church A. and T. Burt (Limited), Dunedin .. Turret lathe ('. and U. Hayward : Dunedin .. Circular saw Otago Hospital and Charitable Aid Hydraulic lift Board. Dunedin John Coutte and Co.. Dunedin .. Screw-cutting turn-ing-lathe Mew Zealand Farmers' Co-operative As- Gas-engine social ion. (Ihriatchurch Kaiapoi Woollen - manufacturing Com- Dieseil machine pany (Limited), Christehurch P. and D. Duncan (Limited), Christ- Lathe church Andersons (Limited), Christehurch .. Planing .. (J. P. Thompson : 17 years . . 29th October, 1910 : wrist injured Thompson was trying to put <■, bell on a pulley when his hand was caught between the belt and ih<- pulley, a small hon>' of his right wrist being broken. J. Rishwcrth ; Iβ years .. I 31st October, 1910 ; thumb injured \\ liil- changing the bell Rishworth's thumb was caught between the pulley and the belt, «iiid crushed. Archibald Mackay ; 20 years .. 10th November, 1910: fingers and Mackay was using a circular rip-saw when his hand came in conthumb cut tact with the top of the saw. which cut across the fingers and the thumb of his left hand. Nurse K. Owen ; 21 years .. 14th November, 1910 : back injured The nurse released the lift and then tried t<. get out when it was ascending: the top of the lit , , pinned her on the lioor oF the top landing, causing injury to her back. J. K. Jardine ; 14 years .. 22nd November, 1910 ; nail injured Jardine was cleaning and oiling flic lathe wh< n the third RngeT of his left hand w<;.- caught in the gearing. Charles Hern ; 43 years .. 23rd November, 1910: shoulder When starting this engine Hern pulled the fly-wheel round, but the injured back-pressure in the cylinder being ioo strong, the wheel went '. and oaught his right arm between the belt and lly-whcel. It drew him round and frai tured his shoulder-blade, also bruised his right arm and chest. George Havord ; Til years . . 24th November, 1910 ; head injured While Havord was working at the engine part of broke, and a piece of it struck him on tli" side of the head. I , !, (i. A. Smith ; 24 years .. 2Sth November, 1910 ; eye injured Smith was struck on his right eye by a small spindle he was turning ill- ■ of the centres of the lathe. Archie Brown : 50 years .. 30th November, 1910: loss of When plan] of bevelled timber Brown's left hand slipped, thumb when his thumb, cam c< with the knives of the machine, cutting off part of it. Stanley McDonald ; 23 years .. 3rd December, 1910; finger injured Whili when in motion MeDoi . v w;i. Andrew McKay; 26 years .. 12th December, 1910; finger in- JlcKay hi tting it crushed when jured adjust ing the timber on the saw-bench before ii was eul up by the • Henry Young; 30 years .. 16thDecember, 1910 ; handciushed Young accidentally go1 his hand into the machine while adjusting it. R. McKenzie ; 27 years .. 19th December, 1910 ; legs scalded The thread of the wash-out plug having wasted somewhat it suddenly blew- out while steam was on the boiler, and the contents escaped, scalding McKenzie's i Ernest Higgs : :jt) years .. 23rd December, 1910; hand injured I Jit hand slipped off the timber orr to the sand-drum, and was caught between the drum and the table, and severely cut. Edward Adams; 28 years .. 2Sth December, 1910; thumb in- In stamping out tin-ends the press came down on Adams's thumb, jured taking off the top of it. Edwin Dolby .Smith: 18 years 31st December, 1910: arm broken Smith was engaged cleaning the shaft with a piece of sacking while the machine was in motion. The Backing w;i- caught in one o) the wheels and drew his right arm round the shaft, and broke his arm in three plac( s. Thomas McKain : 22 years .. 14th January, 1911 : fingers lost .. • MeKain lost four lingers of hi.- left hand through the timbct slipping, and causing his hand to come into contact with tin knives cf the machine. mil Glendining (Limited), Hoslyn Wool-card The: Leyland O'Brien Timber Company Circular-saw bench (Limited), Auckland S. Kirkpatriek and Co. (Limited), Nelson Tin-making Baxter Bros., Greymoutb .. .. Locomotive iS. Aburn and Sems. Dunedin .. Woodworking S. Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited), Nelson Tin-making ■ lames Smith. < ireymouth .. ..I Sheep-shearing kamatua Sawmill Company, Greymouth J Buzz planer