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(Note. —The class la put within parenthesis.) * Denotes a prior date under the International and Intercolonial Arrangements.

Abingdon - Ecco Limited, Birmingham, England; (13); 9147, Bth November. Abraham, P., and Co., London, England ; (42) ; 8621, 19th March. Abraham, P., and Co., London, England ; (42) ; 8784, 2nd Juno. Achard and Glotin (see M. Brizard and M. B. Glotin). Actien-Goscllschaft fiir Mechanische Holzbearbeitung A. M. Luther, Reval, Russia ; (50); 8796, 10th June. Adams and Elting Company, Chicago, United States America; (50); 9216, 7th December. Addis, R., and Sons, London, England; (50); 9240, 12th December. Alabastino Company (British), Limited, London, England; (1); 8560, 8561, 8562, 15th February. Alaska Packers' Association, San Francisco, I'nited States America; (42); 9206, 9207, 9208, 9209, 9210, 9211, 6th December. Albert, J., and Son, Sydney, New South Wales; (8) ; 8668, 7th April. Allen, W. G., " W. G. Allen and C0.," Auckland, New Zoaland ; (39); 9242, Uth December. Allen, W. G., and Co. (see W. G. Allen). American Axe and Tool Company, Pittsburg. I'nited States America; (12); 8794, 9th June. American Dehydrating Company, Waukesha. I'nited States America ; (42) ; 9010, 10th September. American Horticultural Distributing Company, Martinsburg, United States America ; (2) ; 8778. 31st May. Anderson, W. A., Vancouver. British Columbia: (42); 9173, 23rd November. Andrews, F., Morcor, New Zealand ; (1) ; 8633, 30th March. Angier Chemical Company, Limited, London, England ; (3); 9069, 4th October. Ansonia Clock Company, New York, United States America ; (10); 9221, 7th December. Aqu.'.scutum Limited, London, England ; (38) ; 9066, 4th October. Ardley, A., Melbourne, Victoria ; (48); 8670, 12th April. Arthur, J. C, Opotiki, Now Zealand ; (39); 9184, 24th November. Ashburton Co-operative Dairy Factory Company, Limited, Ashburton, New Zealand ; (42); 9258, 29th December. Ashcroft. R. H., Auckland. Now Zealand ; (39) ; 8975, 31st Aucust. A. S. Hurum Fabriker, Jeloen. Norway; (50); 9251, 20th December. Auckland Cake Company, Auckland, Now Zealand ; (42); 8770, 27th May. Auckland Farmers' Freezing Company, Limited, Auckland, New Zealand ; (42) ; 9285, 29th December. Austin Motor Company, Limited, Northfield, England ; (22); 9086, 13th October. Australian Kodak, Limited, Wellington, New Zealand ; (39) ; 8811, 15th June. Australian Kodak, Limited. Wellington, New Zealand; (1); 8947. 15th August, Ayson, VV'. S.. Dunedin, Now Zoaland; (2); 8552, 12th February. Badham, C. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand ; (30) ; 8949, 17th August. Badham, C. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand; (50); 9083, 13th October. Badham, C. J., Dunedin, Now Zealand; (50); 9116, 24th October. Bain, W. and R.. Dunedin, Now Zoaland ; (47) ; 9136, 31st October. Baldwins Limited. Swansea, Wales; (5); 9138, 9139, 2nd November. Baldwins Limited, Swansea, Wales; (5); 9178, 9179, 9180, 9181, 9182, 23rd November. Balfour, Guthrie, and Co., Limited, San Francisco, United States America ; (42); 9241, 12th December. Ball Bros, and Co., Sheflield. England; (7), (12); 8475, 8476, 4th January. Barclay, W. H., and anothor. Dunedin, New Zealand ; (24); 8817, 17th Juno. Barclay, W. H., and another. ' Kirkpatrick and Barclay,'' Dunedin, New Zealand ; (27), (38); 9152, 9153, Uth November. Barker Bros., Limited, Silversmiths. Birmingham. England ; (14); 8644, 6th April.

Barling, 8., and Sons, London, England; (50); 8720. llth May. Barnett, Samuel, and Sons, Limited, London, England ; (8) ; 9159, 15th November. Barnett, Samuel, and Sons, Limited, London, England ; (8); 9186, 9187, 9188, 25th November. Barraud and Abraham. Limited. Palmerston North, Feilding, and Dannevirkc. New Zealand ; (2); 9085, 13th October. Bartram, J., and Son. Melbourne, Victoria; (2); 8996, 6th September. Bary (see De Bary). Bataafsche Petroloum-Maatschappij, The Hague, Holland; (4); 8653, 8655, 6th April. Bataafsche Potroleum-Maatschappij, The Hague, Holland ; (47); 8654, 8656, 8657, 8658, 8659, 8660, 8661, 8662, 8663, 6th April. Bates, J. VV., Hastings, New Zoaland; (2); 9010, 12th September. Battle and Co., Chemists' Corporation, St. Louis, United States America; (3); 8694, 8695, 8696, 8697, 27th April. Baylis, G. H, Wellington. New Zealand; (50); 9215, 7th December. Baylis, G. H, Wellington, New Zealand ; (50) ; 9243, Uth December. Bennett and Wood. Limited. Sydney, Now South Wales; (22), (40); 9248. 9249, 19th December. Bennett, G. W„ Christchurch, New Zealand; (1): 8751, 8752, 21st May; (39); 8753. 23rd May. Bennett. G. W., Christohurch, Now Zealand; (2); 9008, 9th September. Benton and Stone. Birmingham, England ; (13); 9230, 12th December. Berger, J.. Wellington. New Zealand ; (39) ; 8506, 19th January. Best, CM., Auckland. Now Zealand; (50); 8869, 12th July. Best, S. J., and Co., Auckland, Now Zealand; (1); 8799, 13th Juno. Best, S. J., and Co., Auckland, Now Zealand: (1); 9200. 9201, sth December. Bishop, L. E., and others. Christohurch, New Zoaland ; (3); 9150, 10th November. Black, R. S., Dunedin, Now Zoaland; (13); 8544, Bth February. Blau, J., and Sons, Sydney, New South Wales ; (11); 8727, 12th May. Bluemol, C. VV.. and Bros., Woolston, England ; (50); 8716, 3rd May. Boako, A., Roberts and Co., Limited, London, England ; (42); 8546, 9th February. Boko Company (sec H. O. Wiles). Booker Tobacco Company, Lynchburg, I'nited States America; (45); 8622, 19th March. Borsalino, Guiseppo E. Fratollo Societa Anonima, Alessandria, Italy; (38); 9028, Uth September. Bosch Magneto Company, Limited, London. England; (6); 8589, 8590, 4th March.' Brass, W.. London, England ; (3), (48); 8945, 8946, 15th August. Bray Bros., Wellington, Now Zealand ; (42); 8725, 8726. 12th May. Bray, G„ and Co., Limited, Leeds, England; (13); 8721, llth May. Bredell Compositions Company of the Pacific Coast, San Francisco, I'nited States America: (I): 9231. 12th December. Breese, W. G., Onehunga, Now Zealand; (37); 8780, Ist June. Breese, W. G., Onehunga, Now Zoaland; (1); 9055, 27th September. Brett Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, Auckland. New Zealand ; (39); 8554, 8555, Uth February. Briscoe and Co.. Limited, Wellington, Now Zealand ; (20) ; 8761, 24th May. Briscoe and Co., Limited, Wellington, Now Zoaland; (5), (13), (17); 9045. 9046. 9047. 21st September. British-American Tobacco Company. Limited, London, England ; (45) ; 8669, 9th April. British-American Tobacoo Company, Limited, London, England ; (471; 9049, 22nd September. British-American Tobacco Company, Limited. London, England ; (45); 9059, 30th September. British Anti-fouling Composition and Paint Company, Limited, London, England ; (1); 8615, 12th Maroh.