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Tire-protector ; W. R, Devereux and J. McCombs ; 27683, 4th May. Tire-pump ; E. C. Austin ; 28704, 9th November. Tire-pump; C. C. Sol wood and L. G. Roope; 28782, 25th November. Tire-pump connection ; H. B. Hughes ; 27123, Bth January. fire-pump valve; E. C. Austin : 28815, Ist December. Tire-pump look-clip ; W. Clarkson ; 27304, 28th February. Tire-tread; P. Magnus; 27130, Uth January. Tire-tread band; J. C. Berry; 28607, 19th October, 1909.f Tire-tread, detachable ; A. H. Hunt; 27959, 24th Juno. Tire tread and stud; J. Brown : 27545, llth April. Tire-tube ;H. August; 27620, 21st April. Tiro-valve ; A. V. Park ; 27494, 20th May, 1909.t Tiro, &c, wearing-material ; G. Metcalfe; 27623, 22nd April. Wheel, emergency ; A. E. Smith ; 27944. 22nd June. Wheel, motor-car ; H. Fannin ; 27129, 10th January. Wheel, motor-car; C. Gregan ; 28290, 17th August. Wheel-rim, motor-car; Captain Motor-wheel Company, Limited; 28549. Ith October. Wheel-removing; C. G. McKellar; 28046, 27th October. Wheel-velocipede; J. J. Stroud and R. F. Marshall; 2722), 27th January. Class—Ventilating. Fencing-post ventilator ; H. Allott; 28372, Ist September. Tunnel-ventilator ; J. Bulte and G. O. Cottam ; 27439, 16th March. Ventilator, air-pump ; C. E. Hardley ; 28795, 29th November. Ventilator, double-current ;H. I. M. Ross; 28699, 3rd November. Ventilator, greenhouse- ; M. McConkey ; 28834, 7th December. Window ventilator ; C. Chapman ; 28095, 15th July. Class -Washing and Cleansing. Bath ;S. G. VVhittall; 28235, 9th August. Bath ; <'. M. Burrell ; 28863, 10th December. Bath, &c. ; G. 11. Cliff; 28359, 31st August. Cleansing-fluid ; VV. G. Little ; 28213, 20th November, 1909.f Clothes-lifter ; J. Ross ; 27974, 25th June. Clothes-washer: P. S. Coozo ; 27613, 22nd April. Clothes-washer ; M. Kozloosky ; 28610, 18th October. Clothes-washer ; K. A. McGibbon ; 28819, 3rd December. Glass-washer; F. J. McDonald ; 27343, 23rd March. Iron, electric; J. C. P. Kirkwood; 28701, Bth November. Laundry-drainer ; A. E. Moore; 28363, llth July. Soap-manufacture ; R. Macpherson and VV. E. Heys ; 27740, 17th May. Soap-manufacture; G. Forsyth ; 27809, 31st May. Wash-board; E. Thaeter; 28934, 29th Decembor. Wash-boiler ; B. D. Sim ; 27581, 16th April. Washing-fluid ; W. and R. Bain ; 28654, 31st October. Washing-fluid ; R. D. Dansoy ; 28705, 9th November. Washing-machine; A.Fischer; 27147, 13th January. Washing-machine ; G. A. Smith ; 27526, Bth April. Washing-machine; The Saver Manufacturing Company; 27932, 20th Juno. Class -Water-supplying. Hydraulic-nozzle elevator ; J. Bruce ; 28648, 29th October. Pump, liquid-raising ; H. A. Humphrey ; 28014, 29th June. Tank ; J. 1). and A. McLaurin ; 28054, 12th July. Tank-cleaning ; D. H. Fian ; 28606, 15th October. Tank-flange ; S. V. Fulljamos ; 27205, 24th January. Tank, carrying away overflow ; H. VV. Davies; 28634, 26th October. Tank-overflow ; F. VV. Geary ; 28817, Ist December. Tank, rain-water ; J. D. andA. McLaurin ; 27764, 24th May. Class —Wearing-apparel. Blouse-fastener; J. MacLeod; 27334, 21st February. Blouse, &c, fastener ; H. Turner ; 28299, 19th August. Braces ; G. Nigro ; 28875, 13th December. Chalk-holder; A. J. Cumraings ; 28858, 7th December. Goat ; E. le Roy ; 27681, 3rd May. Collar ; J. D. Jensen and C. E. Holland ; 27490, Uth Septenibcr, 1909.J collar; A. H. Edwards; 28509, 28th September. Collar; F. W. Volk, jun., ami VV. Sigmont; 28510, 28th September. Collar; R. A. O. Walter; 28675. ith November.

Collar-attaching to shirts and blouses ;R. Massey-; 27358, 24th February. Corset; E. P. Hume ; 27271, Bth February. Corset; H. T. Sherwood ; 28334, 24th August. Corset; A. J. le Coutre ; 28852, 18th December, 1909.f Glove-manufacture ; G. H. Bailey ; 28474, 22nd September. Hair-pad ; G. H. Bavlis ; 28578,' 13th October. Hair-pin; F.Andrews; 28911, 19th December. Hanger, garment- ; F. Broad ; 28019, 2nd July. Hat-fastener ; G. H. Winders ; 27160, 12th January. Hat-fastener ; F. Andrews ; 28619, 21st October. Hat-fastener ; E. C. Piercy ; 28741, 16th November. Hat-pin ; H. W. Smith ; 27118, sth January. Hat-pin ; P. Verne ; 27127, 10th January. ' Hat-pin ; L. Dillimore ; 27203, 26th January. Hat-pin ; D. H. Harvey ; 27322, 18th February. Hat-pin; VV. Marton ;'27362, 26th February. Hat-pin ; J. Taucher ; 27382, 3rd March. Hat-pin ; VV. G. Joy and H. A. Corringham ; 27473, 22nd March. Hat-pin ; W. Burgess ; 27648, 28th April. Hat-pin ; W. H. Cook ; 27721, 12th May. Hat-pin ;A. S. O'Connor; 27722, 7th May. Hat-pin ; G. P. Hewlett; 27796, 30th May. Hat-pin ; M. Wilkinson ; 27843, Bth June. Hat-pin ;R. E. Fell; 27860, 9th June. Hat-pin ; T. Havard ; 28552, sth October. Hat-pin ; F. W. Clarkson ; 28727, llth November. Hat-pin ; W. G. Joy and H. A. Corringham ; 28921, 22nd December. Hat-pin-point protector ; G. VV. Phillips ; 27498, 30th March. Hat-pin-point protector; G. M. Thomson ; 27605, 21st April. Hat-pin-point protector ; F. Parry ; 28046, Bth July. Hat-pin-point protector ; D. Coghlan ; 28643, 27th October. Hat-pin-point protector; E. J. Banon ; 28660, 31st October. Hat-pin-point protector ; VV. Morton; 28912, 20th December. Hat-ventilator ; A. Budd ; 27191, 19th January. Legging-blocking machine; A. V. Philip ; 28088, Uth July. Pin ; R. G. Love ; 27985, 25th June. Purse; F. B. Clapcott; 28262, 15th August. Safetv-pin; W. Buhmann ; 27725, llth May. Socks, &c. ; A. C. J. Wallace ; 28886, 16th December. Stays, wire ; C. C. Coates ; 28849, (ith December. Suspenders; A. H. Leech ; 28837, 29th October, f Tie ; T. W. A. Hood and T. R. M. Glenvale ; 28496, 25th August, f Tie-attaching to collar; T. VV. A. Hood and T. R, M. Glenvale ; 28494, 15th August.t Tie-attaching to collar; T. W. A. Hood and T. R. M. Glenvale ; 28495, 25th August.t Trousers, &c. ; J. Murdoch ; 27609, 19th April. Trousers-stretcher ; H. B. Skertchly ; 27682, sth May. Umbrella ; G. B. Crawford and L. Clemesha; 28122, 21st July. Walking-stick attachment; H. J. A. Pyke; 27577, 15th April. Class—Wool and Hides. Grease-extracting from wool: C. B. Mayo; 27766, 24th May. Hide, &c, treatment; C. F. Lungley ; 28848, 7th December. Leather-manufacture ;C. Marriott and J. G. Mitchell; 27907, 16th June. Leather-manufacture ; C. Marriott and J. G. Mitchell; 27908, 16th June. Leather, &c, polishing ; Midas Limited ; 27465, 22nd March. Leather-treatment ; A. McLennan ; 27517, 26th April, 1909.t Leather, &c, treatment; F. G. Browne ; 28004, 30th Juno. Wool-classing chart; W. A. McNaught; 27400, 7th March. Wool-cleaning machine ; J. B. Milson ; 28729, llth November. Class—Miscellaneous Inventions. Fishing-line ; A. Costello ; 27406, 7th March. Flies, preventing, from settling ; C. Mills ; 27296, Uth February. Liquids, treatment of ; C. Neff and A. Brandes ; 27429, 15th March. Material, flexible, manufacture : A. T, Collier ; 28563, 12th October, 1909. t Material, wear-resisting ; G. Metcalfe ; 28000, 29th June. Rubber-moulding, &c. ; T. Gare; 28307, 23rd August. Rubber-production from vulcanized rubber ; S. R. Trevor ; 28579. 13th October. Rubber substitute ; R. Yarrow ; 28740, 10th November. Wood-pulp manufacture; J. C. W. Stanley; 28749, Uth December, 1909.f