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AUCKLAND GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Staff. Boys' School—Mt. J. W. Tibbs, M.A. ; Mr. J. H. Turner, M.A. ; Mr. H. J. D. Mahon, B.A. ; Mr. F. Heaton, M.A., B.Sc. ; Mr. J. G. Trevithick, M.A. ; Mr. J. Drummond, M.A. ; Rev. J. K. Davis, M.A. ; Mr. ]». Drummoml, B.A. ; Mr. J. D. Dinneen, B.A. ; Mr. F. W. Gamble, M.A. ; Mr. D. A. Watt, B.A. ; Mr. H. W. King ; Mr. G. P. O'Shannassy, Ph.D., B.A. ; Mr. G. T. Maunder, M.Sc. ; Mr. A. B. Jameson ; Mr. K. J. Dellow. Girls' School— Miss E. G. Wallace ; Miss A. C. Morrison, M.A. ; Miss F. E. A. Grellet; Miss J. Moore, 8.A., M.Sc. ; Miss W. Picken, M.A. ; Miss F. V. J. Jacobson, M.A. ; Miss E. M. Griffin, M.A. ; Miss F. E. Macdonald, B.A. ; Miss M. A. Dive, B.A. ; Miss D. R. Robertson, M.A. ; Miss E. M. Johnston, M.A. ; Miss E. M. Pickering, B.A. ; Miss E. R. Dickinson, B.A. ; Miss M. McLean, B.A. ; Mr. K. Watkins ; Mrs. S. Heap ; Miss K. Grellet; Miss E. Whitelaw. 1. Report of the Board op Governors. Auckland Grammar School (Boys). Progress c/ School. —The year 1910 has been a very marked year in the history of the school, in consequence ot the large increase in the attendance of schoolboys. The school commenced in 1869 with an attendance of under 100 ; the number now nearly reaches 500. This large increase is mainly attributable to the free places of the educational system, under which parents are relieved from payment of school fees at secondary schools, such fees being paid by the Government. The change effected m.iy be shown by stating that the paying pupils numbered, in 1910, 35, and the non-paying pupils 456. Distinctions. —W. M. Jones and R. F. Ellis won Junior Scholarships of the University ; and C. C. Marsack and K. MacCormick were awarded and J. M. McKenzie and C. E. Clayton declined Senior National Scholarships. Forty others passed the entrance examinations of the University. Among old boys, K. Sisam won the Rhodes Scholarship ; S. W. Ziman, a former Rhodes Scholar, graduated B.A. at Oxford with first-class honours in mathematics, and passed the Indian Civil Service Examination ; J. F. Brown graduated M.B. and Ch.B with first-class honours, and C. B. Tudehope with secondclass honours, at Edinburgh ; J. F. S. Northcroft graduated B.Sc. at the University of California ; P. S. Vickerman graduated as F.R.C.S. of London. Cadet Corps. —The establishment at the end of 1910 was 465. The old girls of the school have given a King's and regimental colours to the battalion. These were made in London under the direction of Colonel Sir Arthur Hammond, V.C., X.C.8., D.5.0., from designs approved by the Hon. Mr. George Fowlds when Acting Minister of Defence. The colours were presented to the battalion by Field-Marshal Viscount Kitchener at the review in the Auckland Domain on the 2nd March. The School. —There were 491 boys on the roll during the first term of 1910, of whom 456 boys held free places and for whom the Government paid at the rate of £4 Is. 9d. a term for each pupil. Prizes. —The Hm. J. G. Findlay, LL.D., Attorney-General, kindly presented the prizes to the boys at their annual distribution in the Choral Hall on the 15th December, 1910. Sixty-five prizes were given to the boys ; their total cost was £44 13s. sd. Two prizes were again given by Mr. J. P. Hooton for English essays, and one for practical chemistry by Mr. P. M. Mackay, J.P. New School. —Before concluding this report, I deem it right to state that an urgent necessity has arisen both for a larger school building and a convenient playground, and I have no doubt that with the kindly co-operation of the Government these two matters will be speedily and satisfactorily arranged in the interest of the schoolboys and their parents. Auckland Girls , Grammar School. Headmistress. —On the 24th June the headmistress, Miss A. W. Whitelaw, M.A., T.C.D., retired from the service of the Board to take up the position of headmistress of Wycombe Abbey School, England ; and Miss E. G. Wallace, senior mistress, was appointed to temporary charge. Miss Blanche Butler, B.Sc, London, vice-principal of the Liverpool College for Girls, was selected out of 107 applicants. Mistresses. —The staff was increased in February, 1910, by the appointments of Miss E. R. Dickinson, 8.A., Miss E. M. Johnston, M.A., and Miss E. M. Pickering, B.A. In September the vacancy caused by the retirement of Miss Vernon Harcourt was filled by Miss J. Moore, 8.A., M.Sc. A year's leave of absence was granted at the end of 1910 to Miss Jacobsen to enable her to obtain further experience in English schools. Distinctions. —At the examinations in December two girls passed with credit the Junior Scholarship Examination of the University, and fifteen matriculated. Seventeen passed the Civil Service Junior Examination, four with credit; six passed the Senior District Scholarship Examination under the Auckland Education Board, and fifty-nine gained Senior Free Places. Library. —ln September a school library was opened with about 350 volumes, which were chiefly presented by old girls of the school. Grounds. —During the year the formation of the grounds has been proceeded with, and a level playground of nearly three-quarters of an acre has been drained, levelled, and grassed. The embankment along the northern boundary has been completed to the same level as the road, and the gully filled in to the same level, providing space for tennis-courts to be laid out when the ground consolidates. The fences on the Hjme Street and Smith Street boundaries have been erected, thus completing the fencing of the site at a cost of £620. Prizes. —The girls' prizes were distributed by the Hon. Dr. Findlay on the 15th December, 1910. There were sixty-six prizes, costing £30 12s. 2d. Increase of Pupils. —There has been a considerable increase in the number of schoolgirls, the number having risen from 287 in 1909 to 350 in 1910. G. Maurice O'Rorke, M.A., LL.D., Chairman.

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