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rAppendix A

WANGANUI. General Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1910.


!fo. Name of Account. (1) As at 1st Balances. (2) As at 1st January. : Jai unary. Deficits. From Government. B (3) (4) Cash Traneacti Receipts. Reserves Revenue (5) Cash Transactions during Year. Receipts. Expenditure. Debit. Transfers. Credit. Balances. (10) As at 31st December. Deficits. (11) From Government. (4) From Reserves Bevenue. o ther Sources. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 2 3 5 7 Salaries of teachers (exclusive of secondary departments of district high schools), salaries and allowances of pupil-teachers, and half of the total cost of the trainingcollege staff Teachers' house allowances Salaries of relieving teachers Conveyance of school-children Board of school-children Free school-books General administration (a.) Incidental expenses of schools (cleaning, fuel, &c, in terms of the Board's regulations, but exclusive of cost of works paid for out of Government grant for maintenance of school buildings and included below unddr that heading) (&.) Office staff (including Secretary, Inspectors, &c), salaries and clerical assistance (c.) Office contingencies.. (d.) Refunds and sundries Secondary education — Scholarships —Board'.Scholarships —National Scholarships — Special (Hawera, Science) District high schools — Salaries of staffs of secondary departments General purposes: — (a.) Voluntary contributions, and subsidies (6.) Fees from pupils Manual and technical — School classes Capitation .. Voluntan- contributions, and bequests and subsidies Special and associated classes Capitation Material £ s. d. 4 9 9 2,142 10 0 io" o o 930 10 1 680 16 2 £ a. d. £ s. d. 344 6 4 50,315 2 6 1,607 12 3 158 9 7 I 305 16 7 91 9 6 0 6 8 160 2 0 7,161 17 2 211 2 6 883 17 3 63 4 2 221 5 0 30 0 0 2,195 17 2 536 6 11 438 19 9 1,862 15 9 17 3 0 2,146 7 1 199 19 9 £ a. d. 3,956 3 9 £ s. d. 11 3 4 1 13 4 12 8 11 £ s. d. 54,079 6 0 1,609 16 5 308 17 0 91 9 6 188 4 7 2,890 15 2 2,387 1 5 £ s. d. 1,168' 4 8 £ s. d. £ s. d. 3 18 11 •• 3,272 2 7 .. £ s. d. 141 2 9 161 10 Q 16 0 4 8 11 11 1,804 5 11 126 18 8 i 11 12 13 211 2 6 63 4 2 883 17 3 221 5 0 911 19 1 209 0 0 i 239 4 4 50 19 2 io' o o 10 0 0 14 30 0 0 2,195 17 2 10 0 0 2,195 11 4 19 14 2 ■ • 930 10 1 536 6 11 428 0 6 1,109 2 11 781 2 7 4 12 0 16 Iβ 14 10 0 5 0 0 9 10 0 438 19 9 1,862 15 9 17 3 0 149 18 I 4 0 0 2,298 1 0 14 11 7 256 14 0 974 9 6 18 19 ■■ 680 16 2 2,146 7 1 199 19 9 16i 16 1 57 11 9 5,184 10 5 271 4 0 120 18 1 1,021 14 0 SO 2! __