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Appendix A.l


£ s. d. Bank balance at beginning of year, Dr... .. .. .. .. .. 404 7 5 £ s. d. Bank balance at end of year, Cr. .. .. .. .. 1,746 6 5 Less unpresented cheques .. .. .. .. .. 565 13 9 £1,180 12 8 On hand .. .. .. .. .. .. 006 Total at end of year, Cr. .. .. .. .. .. .. £1,180 13 2 James Wade, Chairman. P. S. Whitcombe, Secretary.


19 2U 21 22 Voluntary contributions and bequests and subsidies Special and associated classes — Capitation Material Voluntary contributions and bequests and subsidies 3 i:i 3 138 13 10 19 15 4 137 5 0 6 0 0 11 14 0 119 2 0 '■ ! 4512 6 23 Fees from pupils at special classes I i 254 12 0 0 5 3 } - 24 26 26 Free-place holders Training of teachers Direction and administration } (school and special classes) Bonus to Director Stratford special classes Refund New Plymouth High School, of capitation earned Buildings: Maintenance, rebuilding, rent — 25 7 3 156 7 6 6 2 10 36 3 6 14 15 0 ( 92 6 4 1 1,315 10 1 20 0 0 ) •• 79 7 6 Maintenance (a), and small addi- 1 tions and ordinary rebuilding (6) J 1,728 1 8 58 11-' 41 7 9 (a)l,683 19 7 I 67 14 4 7 16 0 0 3 0 0 1 747 2 3 169 10 9 I 46 14 11 j. 2,294 1 10 27 3,148 0 0 28 29 (6) .. Rebuilding schools destroyed by fire Rents of buildings and sites for | school purposes ( 112 12 6 I 36 0 0 ) 193 13 1 95 14 0 246 11 30 31 32 33 New buildings, furniture, additions, sites —- Public schools Manual instruction Technical instruction Rent of buildings for manual in struction purposes Rent of buildings for technical instruction purposes Sites sales Other separate accounts —• Contractors' deposits 29 2 0 1,340 10 4 2,921 4 5 284 9 5 ' U0 8 10 ** a 5 I 329 9 6 - •• 3,236 2 11 176 0 10 I 512 0 5 747 2 3 3 0 0 67 i4 4 3 0 0 I 908 6 600 6 34 1 1 0 16 0 0 14 19 0 35 6 0 0 •• 105 0 0 128 2 0 Totnls 2,644 7 6 3,048 14 11 33,086 10 5 ' 2,499 16 3 805 17 4 34,807 3 5 j 1,099 7 2 1,099 7 2 ! 3,798 2 1 2,617 8 1