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(c.) LIST OF NATURALIZED PLANTS OF THE NEW ZEALAND DUNE-AREAS, EXCLUDING TREES SHRUBS, Wi> ORNAMENTAL PLANTS OF GARDENS, PLANTATIONS, CTC. I rB '. BIK B I S. ROS iCEAB. Panicurn sanguinale L (finger-grass). Rubus fruticosus L. (in its wide acceptation), (blackberry) Crus-galli L. (cockspur-grass). Acaena ovina A. Cunn. Stenotaphrum glabrum Trin. (buffalo-gra Roea rubiginosa L. (sweetbriar). Phalaris canarimeia L. (cans canine L. (in its wide i nRe . (dog-rose). Anthoxanthum odoratum L. (sweet vernal " .I/o/xchc/'- prater, I meadov foxtail). Lequminosae. Polypogon monspeliensis Desf. (beard-gi Lupinua arboreus Sims (tree-lupin). Agtostis tenuis Sibth. (.!. vulgaris Willi.), (red-top). / /,',. ,,,,.,, /; ,,,.,,< |,. (g 0 , Agroslis alba I., (fioi OjrfiVraa tcoparius Link, (broom). Ammophila arenaria l.k. (marram-grass). ,.,,,„/,-..,,.. : !ln ,< ■., ;il . broom). Lagurue ovatus L. (harestail-grass). Medicago lupulina L. (black medick). ffofcjw lanatus L. (Yorkshire foj maculata Willd. (spotted medick). motfia L. (soft grass). Mdiloim Petitpierreana Ftayne and Will.I. I.I/, arvenns Aita caryophyllea L. (hair-gra . Wallr.). (field melilot). Cynodom Dactylan Pers. (doab-grass). Trifolium arvense L. (haresfoot-olover). Eragrostia Brownii Nees. ' a<M brum L. (rough olover). /.'/■/•.- ////«rv L. (trembling gi glomeratum L. (olustered olover). Dactylie glmnerata L. (oook repetw L. (white clover). Cyiumirua cristatua L. (dogstail). resupinatum I., (reversed clover). /Vot pratensia L. (meadow-grass). procumbena L. (hop-trefoil). /■V-7',,v, Jfyuroe L. (barren fesoue-graes). ,/„,'„«,« Sibth. (yellow suckling). bromoides L. p/,./,, .,„«,■„, L. (oommon vetch). Bromw sterilia L. (barren brome-grass). hirsute S. P. Gray (common lave). hiiriii'iii i'- .L. (sol'i brome-grass). rcuxmosus L. Gbbaniacbae. unMoidee H. B. & K. (prairie-grase). , /(/w/(/((H( moBg L . (soft oranesb iil). otenariw L. (lyme-grase). . Erodium cicutariwm L'Herit. (stork's bill). /.„//„,« pereniu L. (r ,,,,,,,7,,,/»,,, I/Herii (musky stork's bill). italicum \. Br. i Italian rye-grass). Agropyron repens Beauv. (couoh-grass). Ltnacbak. Hordeam murinum L. (barley-gra ///((((i/ , ,,,,,,, / , y ,,,/,, \. c unn . Cypkraoeae. Malvaceae. KyUingabrevifolia Rottb. w L (tree-mallow). ■" / ";:;:;/;,':'((" i ; i ,! J - *«*" rotunUfoHa L (dwarf mallow). ' parviflora L. [MDAI L. Iris germanica L. (German iris). \todiola mnitifida Moonoh. POLYOONACEAB. . Lythracbab . /; x oblusifolius L. (common 'lock). /.,,//„•„,„ hyssapifolia L. (hyssop loosestrife). pidcher L. (fiddle-dook). ■ art ■ crfeptM L. (curled dock). Onagraceae. eanqutnzus u (red-vemed clook). , , T , . . ,„,,,,,,//, I., (sorrel). ' ; '"" // "'" '"''"■"'" ■ li "-''- (evening primrose). Chenopodiai km . Genti wu eae. Chenopodium album L (fathen). Centu iiriiun umbettaium Gilib. (Erythraea centavrivm) muTah L. (centauiy). PHYTOLAO ICBAB. BoRRAOlNAClSAE., octandra L. (poke weed). ; „„,,,;,,,,„ Schultz. AlZOACEAE. ,,.,,,-. \ EEBEN LCEAE. Mesembiianthemum eduU I.. Hottentcl fig). . i erbena officinalis L. (vervain). POBTl LAI M EAE. i;,,i,iln<n oleracea L Labiatae. _ Mentha Pulegium I. (pennyroyal). CAByoPHYLLWEAE. /V/(w(// ,, ,.,, /w/ ,. , ( ..;.„■.,,;„„; Sile.iw iiixjlnn L. {S.i/nllin, L. p. 1067 Cheegeman a Flora), Marrumbium vulgan L. (horehound). (oatch"y). Lychnis coronaria TteBT. (rose-oampion). Solauai eab. Cercutium viscosum L. (C. ylomemtum Tlniilk), (mouse-ear). Solanum sodomoeum L. (Dead-sea apple). inUgatum L (''■ trivicUe Link), (larger mouse-ear). SteBaria media Cyr. (ohiofcweed). Sorophularinai Minuartia serpyUifolia (L.) i Armaria serpyliifolia L), rjr&eucum TAopeus L. (mullein). (sandwort). l'fc(;«ir» arveneu L. (wall speedwell). Sagina procumbent L. (pearlwort). fiaYisia viecosa L. (marsh painted-cup). apetala L. (pi arlwort). Spergvla amensis L. (spur: Orobancbaceae. nt&ra .i. & C. Preel. (sand-spurrej). Orobanche minor Sutt. (broom-rape). Volwariiiiii tetraphyllum L. (four-leaved allseed). IY.\\T\c;l\ ICEAE. I!am Pfamtoffo ,„«,<.,■ L. (greater plantain). Ranunculus aquatili* L. (water-butteroup). ibundanl in /„,„■,>„/,//,. L. (rib-grass). dune kikes of western Wellington. hiriella II. B. & i<. Ranunculus sceleratus L. (cursed orowfoot |. repensh. (creeping buttercup). . Comtositab. sardous Crantz (hairy buttercup). ,„„ cana densis L. (Canadian Reabane). Papaveraceae. AchiUaea miUelolium L. (yarrow). ,,,,,. ... ,, [nihemis Cotnla L. (stinking mayweed). Eschschokta califormca ( ham. ,, . , . , , l 11, Senecto vulgaris L. (gronndsel). CRuenrEBAB. Cryptostemma calfndulaceum R. Br. (Cape weed). Radicula Naeturtium-aquaticum Brit, and Rend. (.V«..- Cnteue lanceolatus Wflld. thistle). terti«w R. Br.), (wateroress). iopeano commanwL. (nipplewort,. |Jj,««tm mariiimum Lam. (sweet alyssum). '-/'- Wallr. (C. i»«»m L) (smooth hawkesSisymbrium oflicinali Soop. (hedge-mustard). heard). ('„/,«.//« Bursa-pastoris Medic (shepherd's purse). Hypochoeris radtcaia L. (oatsear). Ooronopus didymus Sm. (wart-oress). SoncAtM an-enew L. (oom sowthistle). Leoidinm rudirale L. (narrow-leaved oress). asper. Cattle maritime Poop, (sea-rocket). Taraxacum officinale Wigg. (dandelion).