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Urgent requests were made to the Board to enlarge flic girls' school. Very great difficulties presented themselves in carrying out a satisfactory enlargement. A property adjoining the school came into the market, and the Governors purchased it. with the view of providing for nil the needs of the girls' school. The following results were obtained in the lust public examinations :— Boys School: University Junior Scholarship Examination -1 passed with credit, and I qualified for Matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge, the latter being more than two years under the age-limit; Medical Preliminary, 2; completed Medical Preliminary, 1; Matriculation and Solicitors' General Knowledge, 6 : Senior Civil Service Examination, 1 completed the examination, 2 passed the whole examination, and 1 passed in four subjects : Junior Civil Service, 11 passed, 5 with credit : Education Board Senior Scholarship, 2 won scholarships and !) others qualified; Senior Free Places [in addition to the foregoing), 17 qualified under regulation 7 (<■)■ and 2 by examination ; Education Hoard Junior Scholarship, 1 won a scholarship and 2 others qualified ; Junior Free I , lace Examinations, 4 ; proficiency certificates, 6. Girls' School : University Junior Scholarship Examination. 1 : qualified for Matriculation' and Solicitors' General Knowledge, 1 ; Matriculation, 2; Senior Civil Service, 1 passed in four subjects, I in two subjects; first year's term (Victoria College), 1 ; Junior Civil Service and Senior Free Places, II : Education Board Junior Scholarship. 2 won scholarships; proficiency certificates, (>. Former pupils of the schools continue to win successes in the University colleges : in the recent final examinations in medicine at Otago University, two old pupils. Mr. L. E. L Simcox and Miss Ina Dugleby, were among the graduates, and Dr. Bryden Glendinning has obtained the degree of F.R.C.S., England. T. ('. MOORE, Chairman. David Sidey, Secretary. 2. Work of the Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —Boys' School : Mathematics —geometry, Godfrey and Siddons ; algebra, Hall and Knight; trigonometry, Pendlebury ; solid geometry, Davison : all to University Junior Scholarship standard. French—Polyeucte (Corneille) : Quatre-vingt-treize (Hugo) ; Berthou's Modern French Verse ; miscellaneous unprepared passages ; Blouet's Prose ('(imposition ; phonetic transcript and oral work; Bue's Idioms; Thirion's Irregular Verbs; Stedman'a Grammar Questions; Tutorial French Grammar and Syntax : all to Junior Scholarship standard. Latin Vergil's /Kneid. Book VIII ; Cicero's De Officiis, Book 111 : Horace's Odes, Book II : miscellaneous unprepared passages ; Bradley's Arnold: Continuous Prose; Kennedy's Prii ■; Eorton's History of the Romans: Creighton's Rome: Hilkins's Antiquities : all to Junior Scholarship Standard. Heat Wallace Stewart's Advanced and Glazebrook's Heat, to Junior Scholarship standard. Chemistry Jago's [norganic Chemistry, to Matriculation standard. Mechanics and Hydrostatics Tutorial Series, to Junior Scholarship standard. History—Tout and York-Powell; Gardiner: to Junior Scholarship standard. Geography Hughes's Physical: Dickie's Physiography; Marshall's Geography of Xew Zealand: to Junior Scholarship standard. Physiology—Huxley's Elementary Physiology; Furaeaux, Animal Physiology: to Matriculation standard. English Low, English Language ; Nichol and McCormick, Exercises on English Composition ; Wyatt, History of English literature ; Addis, Style in Composition; Nesfield, Manual of English Grammar and Composition. Part IV: Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice, Julius Cffisar ; Chaucer, the Prologue; Arnold, prose books and Laureate poetrybooks: all to Junior Scholarship standard. Girls' School: English literature Shakespeare's King Lear: Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer and The Good-natured Man : Fanny Burner's Evelina : selections from Wordsworth and I). G. Rossetti : The Age of Johnson. English Grammar and Composition—Junior School syllabus ; Nesfield's English Grammar. Past and Present. French Junior Scholarship syllabus: Corneille , s Polyeucte; Les Francais dv 18"" Sieole ; Weekley's Matriculation Course; phonetic script; idioms. &c. Latin- Junior Scholarship syllabus; Cicero's De Officiis; Vergil's Book VII I : Bradley's Arnold's Latin Prose Composition : Kennedy's Revised Latin Primer. Mathematics—Junior Scholarship syllabus— Arithmetic, Pendlebury and Robinson : algebra, Baker and Bourne's Elementary Algebra, Parts I and II ; trigonometry, Borchardt and Perrott's New Trigonometry. Science—Junior Scholarship syllabus—Botany, Dendy and Lucas's Botany, Lawson's Tutorial Botany, notes ; mechanics, Tutorial Dynamics. Matriculation Statics and Hydrostatics (Briggs and Bryan). Lowest. — Boys , School: Mathematics—geometry, Godfrey and Siddons. Part I (whole) and Part II to theorem 6 ; Algebra, Baker and Bourne, to page 68 ; arithmetic, Pendlobury's New School Arithmetic, syllabus as for Standard VII. French —Methode Naturelle, Book I to lesson 43. Latin Longmans' Latin Course, Part I (whole) : Scalae Primes (selections). English—Nesfield's English Grammar for Elementary Schools, Book 111 (whole); Nesfield's Oral Exercises in English Composition, to page 104 ; In the World of Books (Arnold), to page 100 ; The Globe Poetry Reader (selections learnt by heart). History —Longmans' History of Great Britain (Tout), Book 11, to page 188. Geography — Southern Cross Geographical Eeader, Standards V, VI to page 234; Imperial Geography, Standards V, VI to page 116. Science—General Elementary Science (Tutorial Series) (five chapters) ; Theoretical and Practical Mechanics and Physics (Mackenzie) (28 pages) ; Blackie's Elementary Physiology (whole). Book-keeping —Pitman's Primer. Shorthand—Pitman's Phonographic Teacher (whole); Office Routine, Pitman, Parts I and 11. Girls' School: English literature—Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night's Dream ; Stronach's English Literature, chapters 24-26, inclusive ; [Marsh's Literary Reader, twenty-six lessons. English grammar and composition —Nesfield's Manual, top age 81 ; simple analysis and parsing ; reading, writing, spelling. History —Longmans' Historical Series, Book I to end of Elizabeth. Geography —Imperial Geography, pages 7-78 and 90-134 ; Southern Cross Geo-