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History —Green's History of English People ; Meiklejohn's English History. Geography—Meiklejohn's ; Tarr's. Lowest. —English —Nesfield's English Grammar ; Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice ; Conan Doyle. White Company. Latin —Via Latina (Abbot) ; Gradation. French Macmillan's French Course, Kirst Year. Arithmetic- — Goyen's Arithmetic and Mensuration. Algebra Hall and Knight, Elementary Algebra. Geometry Hull imd Stevens's New School Geometry. Physical measurements Experimental work. History and civics. 3. General Statement ok Accounts for the Year ended 31st December, 1909. Receipts. £ s. d. | Expenditure.. £ s. d. Balance at beginning of year .. .. 4,003 0 9 Managoment— (iovernment grant for buildings, furniture. Office salary .. .. .. .. 75 0 0 fittings, and apparatus for minnal in- Other office expenses .. .. .. 0 17 8 struction .. .. . .. *C9 16 11 | Other expenseH of management .. 10 8 4 Government capitation— Teachers' salaries and allowances .. 720 16 8 For free places .. .. .. 401 2 3 i Examinations, other expenses .. .. 11 0 0 Under Manual and Technical Instruction I 50 10 9 Boardiug allowances . .. .. 170 18 4 Regulations 1*32 13 0 Prizes ' .. .. .. .. 4 18 0 Subsidy on voluntary contributions, manual Material for classes other than classes for and technical instruction .. .. *20 5 0 manual instruction . .. .. 10 14 8 Current income from reserves .. .. 150 0 0 , Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 43 9 6 Interest on moneys invested and on liri- Cleaning, fuel, light, &e. .. .. 28 17 6 paid purchase-money .. .. .. 220 9 8 Books and stationery for sale to pupils, and Paid by Sohool Commissioners .. .. 351 5 6 other temporary advances .. .. 7 19 3 Sohool fees .. .. .. .. 89 10 0 Maintenance of classes for manual instrucBooks.&c, sold and other refunds .. Manual inetruc.Von (Government gram).." '87 0 9 Voluntary contributions, technical instrun- Purchases and new works .. .. 66 4 2 tion .. .. .. .. "20 5 0 Fencing, repairs, &c. .. .. .. 11 12 3 Other receipts— Miscellaneous (rates, &c.) .. .. 15 19 0 Grant on account of teachers'classes .. 25 0 0 ; Endowments, sales account - Capitation, school and teachers'classes.. *151 0 0: Site or buildings .. .. .. 2,034 19 6 Fees, special classes .. .. .. 59 7 0 Purchase of other lands .. .. 850 0 0 Sale of food, cookery olasses .. .. *13 0 0 Miscellaneous (surveys, &c.) .. .. 10 13 11 Sale of old tanks .. ., .. *5 0 0 Other expenditureLoan .. .. .. .. 850 0 0 Kent .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Initial payment on account of classes .. 15 0 0 Insurance .. .. .. .. 9 114 Refund of school fees .. .. .. 6 0 0 Rent of typewriters .. .. .. 12 0 0 Balance at end of year .. .. .. 2,163 8 1 £6,535 9 8 £6,535 9 8 • Details of receipts and expenditure of Technical School are shown in supplementary statement. Supplementary Statement, Gisbokne Technical School. Receipts. £ r. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. For buildings .. .. .. .. 69 16 11 Maintenance of classes .. .. .. 217 5 9 Capitation .. .. .. .. 32 13 0 S>tee, buildings, &c. .. .. .. 37 0 9 Subsidy on voluntary contributions .. 20 5 0 Sale of books .. .. .. .. 110 Voluntary contributions .. .. 20 5 0 Capitation, school and teachers' classes .. 151 0 0 Fees, special classes .. .. .. 59 7 0 Sale of tanks and material .. .. 18 0 0 £372 7 11 , £254 6 6 C. A. De Lautour, Chairman. W. Morgan, Secretary. Examined and found correct. —K. J. Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL. Staff. Boys' School. -Mr. A. S. M. Poison, B.A. ; Mr. E. W. Andrews, B.A. : Mr. W. Kerr, M.A. ; Mr. A. W. Short. B.A. : Mr. A. !!. Kill. M A. : Mr. J. H. MoW. Finlayson, ; Mr. A. F. D. East; Mr. H. V. Phillips. QirW School.- Miss A. E. .1. Spenoer, B.A. : Miss C. I;. Kirk, B.A. : Miss .1. (). Gillie* ; Mis- I). A. Gillam, M.A. j Miss X. I. McLean, M.A. ; Miss I. C. Greig ; Miss M. .1. Ant ill ; Miss G. G. Anderson. 1. Report of the Board ok Governors. The Governors of Napier Hijih School have the honour lo express their satisfaction with the steady progress and success of the schools under t heir charge. Although the number of other schools in the district undertaking secondary work has increased, the attendance has been as high as it has ever been. A noteworthy feature is the .success that has attended the junior departments, which numbered 38 in the boys' school and '.VI in the girls' school. The two additional class-rooms and new laboratory in connection with the boys' school were completed and equipped during the year, and the science work of the school is now fully organized on a satisfactory basis.