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No. 27.

New Zealand, No. 70. My Lord— Government House, Wellington, lbth August 1909. L have the honour to acknowledge your Lordship's despatch, No. 112. of the 28th May, on the subject of the proposed international Conference tor the Preservation of Natural Resources to be held at the Hague. 2 In reply my Ministers have requested me to inform you that as at present advised this Government does not propose to take any action in the matter of appointment of representatives." J. XIEIV6) O2C, PLUNKET, Governor. To the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A. -2. 1910. No. 3 .

No. 28. My LoTd 26 " No ' Government House, Wellington, 18th August, 1909. In reply to your despatch, No. 74, of the 15th May, 1908 on the> subiect of the Customs Tariff Agreement between this Dominion and the South African Customs Union, I have the honour to inform your Lordship that my Ministers now inform me that an error occurred in the notice published in the showing that the rebate of on all goXother than those named (except spirits) is 3 per cent, on i & tQ Lordship an earlier reply- aV6, PLUNKET, Governor. To the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

No. 29. My N0 Government House, Wellington Ist September,l9o9. August, 1909. ' PLUNKET, Governor. To the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.—2, 1910, No. 43.

No. 30. New Zealand, No. 76 v R Wellington, 9th September, 1909. J^ks^ssi^x^x of Makea ' whose flag it was before annexation. • ' PL uNKET, Governor To the Earl of Crewe, Secretary of State for the Colonies.

A.—2, 1910, No. 42.