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Lyttelton and Heathcote Domain. Part of Section No. 271, Block XVI, Christchurch Survey District. Area, 14 acres 3 roods. Work done during rear : Watercourses improved and fencsd. Improvements now on domain : 'len-roonied house with outbuildings and stables, 116 chains fences, bridge, and 1 acre plantation. Used for picnics, football, cricket, and cadet encampments. Proposed operations for ensuing 3'ear: Further improvement to watercourse, and cultivating and planting. Mackenzie Domain. Reserves Nos. 3152, 3153, 3155, 3156, 3168, and 3169, Town of Mackenzie, 3146, 3170, 3171, 3176, and 3175, Cheviot Survey District, and 3174 and 3175, Lowry Peaks Survey District. Area, 240 acres 1 rood 17 perches. Work done during year: St. Anne's Reserve fenced and planted with ornamental and foresttrees, water in lagoon raised 2 ft. by means of a dam, timber disposed of, hedges trimmed, trees cut down, failures replaced, and soil around young trees cultivated. Improvements now on domain: Five miles fencing, and 200 acres plantation. Used for sports, races, and tennis. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Maintaining and improving fences. Metiiven Domain. Reserves Nos. 3184, 2613, and 2613 a, Spaxton Survey District. Area, 22 acres 1 rood. Work done during year: General maintenance. Improvements now on domain : Swimmingbath, dressing-shed, fences, water-race, plantation, and trotting-track. Used for football, swimming, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year : General maintenance. MoitVEN Domain. Reserve No. 35y0, Block Vll, \\ uitaki Survey District. Area, 60 acres. Improvements now ou domain: Fences, gates, plantations, horse-rail, and convenience**. Used for sports and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Erecting conveniences and seating accommodation. Mount Someus Domain. Reserves Mos. 263 i) and '2026, All'ord Purvey District. Area, 119 acres '2 roods. Work done during year: Racecourse buildings and railings painted, picket fence erected, running-track topdres&ed and improved, 1 cnums new boundary-fence erected, budges trimmed, and gorse grubbed. Improvements now on domain: Fences, plantations, grassing, tennis-courts, iootball-grouud, running-track, swimming-pool, and racecourse, with buildings and railings. Used for lacos, football, sports, picnics. A Volunteer encampment was also held in the domain during the year. Nisw liiuuiiTON Domain. Reserve .No. 3061, (Jhnstchurch Purvey District. Area, 6 acres and 17 perches. Nil report furnished. Ohoka and Eyketon Domain. Reserves .Nos. 1567 and part 1500, Rangiora burvey District. Area, 215 acres 1 rood. During the year the Board purchased an area of about 15 acres, which will be used for recreation purposes. It is at present leased. Improvements now on domain: Fencing, grandstand, stables, cloak-room, offices, horse-yards, and plantations. Used for races, grazing, and cropping, l'roposod operations for ensuing year: Improving the recently acquired area by levelling, planting, and sowing down in grass, to make it suitable for purposes of recreation. Oram Park Domain. Reserves Nos. 3028, 3081, and 3082, parts of Barker and Mac Donald Streets, and Sections Nos. 11, Block V, and 16, Block VI, Town of Urari: Area, 14 acres and 28 perches. Work done during year : Fences repaired, hedges trimmed, and two new gate-post& erected. Improvements now on domain: Trees, asphalt tennis-court, garden-seats, fences, and hedges. Used for tenuis and football. Eleven acres leased for grazing. Oxfokd Domain. Reserve No. 1651, and part of Rural Section No. 1889, Block VIII, Oxford Survey District. Area, 224 acres 2 roods 26 perches. Work done during year: Wire netting 10ft. high erected at tennis-courts; library, readingioom, grandstand, and fencing repaired and painted; well sunk and pump erected; flowerborders maintained; new gate and posts erected; and pavilion and entrance-gates on View Hill painted. Improvements now on domain : Plantations, fencing, entrances, cycle-track, two concrete cricket-pitches, three asphalt tennis-courts, two grandstands, tea and dressing rooms, ladies' retiring-room, library, concrete swimming-bath anrl dressing-room, pump, flower-borders, racecourse, plantations, saddling-paddocks, conveniences, and pavilion. Used for cricket, football, tennis, swimming, sports, picnics, and races; in addition to the library and reading-room. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Building hall and some smaller rooms; laying down a bowling-green; redecking, repairing, and painting grandstand; and repairing fencing.