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Kahotu Domain. Sections Nos. 45 and 105, Block I, Opunake Survey District. Area, 48 acres 2 roods 11 perches. Work done during year: Sports-ground levelled, rolled, laid down in grass, and generally improved; an area cleared, cultivated, and .sown in crop preparatory to laving down in grass; gorse and noxious weeds grubbed; and trees attended to. itoTOKAitE Domain (Nqairb). Hotokare Lake (44 acres) and Section No. 1, Block XII, Ngaire Survey District. Area, 574 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. Improvements now on domain: Boundary-fences. The area is practically all in unlive bush, and contains the Hotokare Lake. Not generally used. Kotokake Domain (Paiututu). Part of Native Iteserve .No. 2 (Arapepe), Block VIII, Paritutu Survey District. Area, 48 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth. Work done during year : Noxious weeds kept in check. Improvements now on domain : Boundary fences and fences around native bush. Leased for grazing; also used for picnics. St. Helen's Domain. Suburban Section No. 1, Aria Village, Block X, Totoro Survey District. Area, 38 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Two acres cleared, drained, ploughed, and sown down in grass, improvements now on domain: Fifty chains fencing, draining, and 2 acres grassing. Used for sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year: I'leariug, ploughing, sowing down 5£ acres in grass. Sthaxfokh Domain. Sections Nos. 24 to 33, 36 lo 38, 67 to 76, 79 to 81, 111 to 124, 150 to Itiu, 470 to 484, 509 to 518, 542 to 551, 574 to 581, 607 to 619, 639 to 651, 781, 858, 935, and 936, Town of Stratford, and 28, Block 1, Ngaire Survey District. Area, 83 acres 1 rood 2 perches. Work done during year : Five acres stumped, ploughed, levelled, and laid down in grass : croquet-lawns formed; pavilion erected; fences repaired; hedges trimmed; and track opened through native bush. Improvements now on domain : Five miles fencing, 13 acres plantations, grandstand, running and cycling tracks, football and hockey grounds, suspension bridge, seats,, and paths. Used for sports, football, croquet, hockey, golf, and band concerts. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Uingbarking a row of trees in plantation, and planning and fencing .is funds permit. Takata Domain. Section No. 58, Tarata Village. Area, 8 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Hedge trimmed. Improvements now on domain : Twenty chains fences, about 2 acres plantations, two lawn-tennis courts, pavilion, and quarter-mile runningtrack. Used for sports, tennis, and picnics. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Clearing away fallen trees, topping others, repairing fences, and trimming hedge. Tatu Domain. Section No. 2, Tatu Suburban, Ohura Survey District. Area, 10 acres. Work done during year : Stumping and ploughing. The domain has been improved by working-bees. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Stumping and cutting scrub. Taumata Domain. Subdivisions Nos. 1 of Section No. 12 and 6 of Section No. 75, Block X, Ngaire Survey District. Area, 12 acres 1 rood 5 - 3 perches. Work done during year : New paths formed through native bush, 2 acres cleared of logs, and 1 acre planted with ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers. Improvements now on domain : Grandstand with refreshment-rooms, auxiliary grandstand, 1 acre planted in trees, 3 acres native bush, fences, hedges, picket fence around track, and flower-garden. Used for sports, picnics, and general recreation. Proposed operations for ensuing year: Painting buildings, planting trees, making new paths, and trimming hedges. Te Ngutu-o-te-Manu Domain. Section No. 10, Block XVI, Kaupokonui Survey District. Area, 50 acres Work done during year : Tennis-court completed. Improvements now on domain : Fences, hedges, caretaker's cottage, iron and wooden gates, pond, plantations, shrubs, monument, shelterghed, and tennis-court. Used for picnics and by tourists. Toko Domain. Part of Section No. 36, and part of Subsection 1 and Subsection 2 of Section No. 36, Block 111, Ngaire Survey District. Area, 7 acres and 32"7 perches. Work done during year: General maintenance (mostly by voluntary labour). Improvements now on domain: Fifty chains fences, 350 trees and shrubs, bridge, gate, 24 chains sheepproof wire netting, pavilion, and concrete cricket-pitch. Used for cricket, football, picnics, and sports. Proposed operations for ensuing year : Erecting footbridge and forming approach to pavilion.