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Marslanb Hill Domain. Sections Nos. 2340 and pari of 2343, Town of New Plymouth. Area, 7 acres 3 roods 31 perches. Work don© during year : Shrubs planted. Permission has been given to the South African Memorial Committee to erecl .. fountain on the domain. Proposed operations for ensuing year • r urther planting. ° ■ Mount Buyon Domain. Situated in 'I own of New Plymouth. Area, 5 acres 2 roods. Work done during year : Esplanade laid off on the side of the domain facing the sea, and planted with trees. Improvements now ~„ domain-: Fenoes and shrubs. Used for general recreation. 6 Normanby Domain. Subdivision No. 3 of Sections Nos. 17 and 589, Patea Survey District. Area, 8 acres 2 roods Work done during yeaf: Cricket-pitch laid down, well dug and pump erected, seats provided hedges trimmed, and trees top] Improvements now ,„, domain: Trees, hedge seats cricKet-pitcn, well, and pump. ° Ohawe Domain. Sections Nos. 317, 318, 319, and 320, Town of Ohawe. Area, 3 acres 2 roods 15 perches Work done during year: Fence erected. Improvements now on domain: Fencing and gate. I sed by people visiting beach. 6 Onairo Domain. Seel ion No. 8, Block 111. Waitara Survey District. Area, 6 acres. This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth It - situated near the mouth oi the Onairo Stream, on the main road between Waitara and Urenu Pencil "a SS : " " "*'"' graZiEg aDd aS B piCDic "*■ '-1-vements now ondomain .' Dpunake Domain. Blocks I. IV. V. VI, VIII. ami Sections Nos. I to 6 of Block 11, Tow,, of Opunake, and the Opunake Pown Belt. Area, 35 acres 2 roods 2 perches. Work done during year: General maintenance. Improvements now lomain : Boundarvfences, gates, plantation, hoi-thorn hedges, grandstand with luncheon and other rooms 60 chains '!::Z, '■'" """"' ""'""' : "' teDOe , " < - 1 " si "- *«**«»»*• Used fo. sports, football and Pihama Domain. Section No. 48, Block 1, Oeo Survey District. Area, 14 acres 2 roods 8 " CT ■ "" * i, " , " ,ra - pKe Poti Domain. Section No. 83, Block X, Ngaire Survsy District. Area. 15 acres 2 roods. Improvements now on domain : Fences and grassing. Leased tor grazing. Punehu Domain. Sections Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, and 41, Village of Punehu. Area, 7 acres Work done during year : One and a half acres stumped, levelled and T,„ ments now on domain : houghing, grassing, fencing, Pitches Usedtr'spoSlnd JEST PUNGAREHTJ DOMAIN. Section No. 111. Block XII, Cape Survey District. Area, 10 aces Work done during year: Trees planted and fenced in. Improvements now ~„ ) Fencing, grassing, ploughing, and planting. Used for picnics and Sail >o, efc tions for ensuing year : Clearing around and replacing trees rroposea operaPuniwhakau Domain. Section No. 23, Puniwhakau Village. Area, 1 acre 3 roods 6 perches This domain is under the control of the Commissioner of Crown Lands, New Plymouth It is leased for fourteen years, the lessee being required to keep down noxious weeds - Vm ° Uth - Tt Purangi Domain. Section No. 2, Block 11, Ngatimaru Survey District. Area 10 acres an,lf f ern d "* *"***• Pr ° P ° Sed o P erations '»' ™*™? year: Burning scrub