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Deaths and Death-rates from Tuberculosis and Percentage of Total Deaths, 1899-1908. Number Percentage of Year Mean of Deaths from Rate Total Deaths X6a • Population. Tubercular per 10,000. from aU Causes _ Tji QPfiQAQ . 1899 ... ... 749,984 795 ' 1060 10-35 1900 ... ... 763,594 752 9-85 10-44 1901 ... ... 777,968 775 9-96 1015 1902 ... ... 797,793 802 1005 958 1903 ... ... 820,217 769 938 9-02 1904 ... ... 845,022 . 799 9-46 9-88 1905 ... ... 870,000 678 7-79 8-41 1906 ... ... 895,594 720 8-04 8-63 1907 ... .. 919,105 856 931 850 1908 ... ... 945,063 839 8-87 9-28

Ages of Persons who died from Tubercular Diseases, 1908.

In comparison with England and Wales and the States of the Australian Commonwealth the deaths from tuberculosis per 1,000 of the population was lower in Queensland, New South Wales, and Tasmania than in New Zealand. Death-rates from Tuberculosis and Percentage of Total Deaths, 1907. Death-rates (per 1,000) Percentage of from Tuberculosis. Total Deaths. England and Wales 1-61 10-70 New South Wales .. .. .. .. .. 0-80 7-61 Victoria 1-16 9-91 Queensland 0-73 7-02 South Australia .. .. .. .. .. 0-95 9-59 Western Australia .. .. .. .. . • 0-96 8-63 Tasmania 0-86 7-76 New Zealand 0-93 8-50 Cancer. There were 657 deaths assigned to this cause in 1908, a proportion of 6-95 per 10,000 persons, the average number and rate for the five years 1904-8 being 618 and 6-9 respectively. Deaths of males numbered 363 and of females 294 The death-rate from cancer is not so great as that from tubercular diseases, but its increasing tendency is a matter of grave concern.

Number of Persons who died from Cancer, the Proportion per 10,000 Persons living, and the Percentage of all Deaths.

The part of the body mostly affected among males is the stomach, and among females the generative and mammary organs.


Ages. Males. Females. Total. Ages. Males. ! Females. Total. Under 5 years .. 5 years and under 10 .. 10 „ 15 .. 15 „ 20 .. 20 „ 25 .. 25 „ 30 .. 30 „ 35 .. 35 „ 40 .. 40 „ 45 .. 50 11 9 30 51 48 52 56 36 to 7 16 39 64 83 42 33 22 90 18 25 69 115 131 94 89 58 45 years and under 50 50 „ 55 55 „ 60 60 „ 65 65 „ 70 70 „ 75 75 „ 80 26 24 17 11 10 13 3 19 10 6 4 4 1 3 45 34 23 15 14 14 6 Total deaths 446 393 839

Year. Deaths from Cancer. Total Deaths, all Causes. Deaths from Cancer per 10,000 of Living Persons. Percentage of Total Deaths dun to Cancer. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1098 468 430 515 536 582 571 566 623 674 657 7,680 7,200 7,634 8,375 8,528 8,087 8,061 8,339 10,066 9,043 6-24 5-63 6-62 6-72 7-10 6-76 6-51 6-96 7-33 695 6-09 5-97 6-75 6-40 6-82 7-06 702 7-47 6-70 7-27