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Cancer : Seat of Disease. Seat of Disease Males. Females. Total. Mouth, lip, tongue, throat, neck .. .. 81 17 98 Stomach .. .. .. .. .. 110 61 171 Intestines, rectum .. .. .. 61 44 105 Kidneys, bladder, urethra, &c. .. .. 21 4 25 - Liver .. .. .. .. .. ..54 40 94 Female genital organs .. .. .. .... 53 53 Breast .. .. .. .. .. .... 31 31 Other organs .. .. .. .. 36 44 80 363 294 657 Ninety-six per cent, of the deaths were at the ages 35 years and upwards, and 61 per cent, at the ages 60 years and upwards.

Ages of Persons who died from Cancer, 1908.

Diabetes. There were 100 deaths in 1908, a rate of TO6 per 10,000, the average for the first five years being 92 and 1-03 respectively. Simple Meningitis. This disease caused 136 deaths in 1908, against 102 in 1904, and an average of 125 for the five years. Convulsions of Children. It would appear that the mortality from this cause is decreasing. The rate, measured by the • total population for comparative purposes, has gradually declined from 1-35 per 10,000 in 1904 to TO2 in 1908. The proportion of deaths per 10,000 children living under 5 years of age was 11-66 in 1904 and 8-78 in 1908. Apoplexy. The number of deaths from this cause increased during the past five years from 292 in 1904 to 341 in 1908, and the rate per 10,000 from 3-46 to 3-61. Pneumonia. There were 453 deaths in 1908, against 572 in 1907, and 406 in 1904. Excepting occasional fluctuations due to exceptional climatic conditions, the rate per 10,000 remains fairly constant at about 4-9. Gastritis and Enteritis. Although there were fewer deaths last year than in 1907, the number (478) and the rate (5-06 per 10,000) remains unusually high. About 75 per cent, of the deaths are of children under 5 years of age. Diarrheal Diseases. Of the 198 deaths last year 158 were of children under 5 years of age, a proportion of 14-45 per 10,000 living at those ages, against 15-36 in 1904. Cirrhosis op Liver. There were 52 deaths in 1908, as compared with an average of 46 for the five years 1904-8. Appendicitis. Prior to 1905 this complaint was tabulated among " Other Diseases of the Digestive System." There were 81 deaths in 1908, against 86 in 1907, 69 in 1906, and 53 in 1905. Bright's Disease and Nephritis. Of the 263 deaths last year 204 were certified as Bright's disease and 59 as acute nephritis. The rate for 10,000 living for 1908 was 2-78, against an average of 2-71 for the last five years. Puerperal Diseases. In 1908 the deaths certified to these causes numbered 119. Included in the number were : Accidents of pregnancy, 18 ; puerperal septicemia, 46 ; other accidents of childbirth, 55. The number of deaths to every 1,000 confinements for each of ten years is shown.


Ages. Males. Females. Total. Ages. Males. Females. Total. Under 5 years . . 15 years and under 10 .. 10 „ 15 .. 15 „ 20 .. 20 „ 25 .. 25 „ 30 .. 30 „ 35 .. 35 „ 40 .. 40 „ 45 .. 2 1 1 1 2 5 5 6 15 2 1 1 1 3 4 9 16 4 2 2 1 3 8 9 15 31 45 years and under 50 50 „ 55 55 „ 60 60 „ 65 65 „ 70 70 „ 75 75 „ 80 80 years and upwards 21 31 28 55 75 58 44 13 29 32 41 50 40 28 29 8 50 63 69 105 115 86 73 21 363 294 657