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Seventy-five out of every thousand of male children born, and sixty of every thousand females, are found to have died before attaining the age of one year. The mortality was thus one in thirteen of male children and one in seventeen of females in New Zealand, where conditions are far more favourable to infant life than in Australia, at least as far as relates to the cities. It will also be seen from the figures that the chances of living during the first year of age are greater for female than for male infants. Thus, during the year 1908 there were — 100 deaths of males to 74 deaths of females under 1 month of age ; 100 ~ 86 ~ from 1 to 3 months of age ; 100 ~ 74 ~ from 3 to 6 months of age ; 100 ~ 95 ~ from 6 to 12 months of age : 100 ~ 80 ~ under 12 months of age. * Dealing with the results for ten years, the deaths of infants under one year are in the large proportion of three-fourths of the total deaths under five, as might be expected, the first year being the tenderest period. (See notes to tables.)

Deaths of Infants under One Year, and Proportion to Births.

The principal causes of mortality in children under one year for New Zealand are given, with the numbers of deaths for five years from such causes. Diarrhoea and enteritis stand first in order of importance, premature birth next, followed by marasmus or debility. Here it is seen how much mortality is attributed to these causes according to the medical certificates.

Deaths of Children under One Year. — Causes, 1904 to 1908.

The proportions of deaths of children under one year of age to every 100 births at the chief centres are, — 1907. 1908. Auckland (including suburbs) ... .. ... ... 972 8-19 Wellington „ ... ... ... ... 11-78 8-17 Christchurch „ • ... ... ... ... 12-62 6-78 Dunedin „ ... ... ... ... 954 745 Again, the percentage of deaths of children under 5 to the total number of deaths is—Auckland, 28-89; in Christchurch, 23-32 ; in Wellington, 30-70 ; in Dunedin, 21-92.

Year. 1 Month 3 Months ! ai ir. and under and under! 1 Month. 3 Mentha. 6 Months. ; Deaths of Infants under 1 Year of Age. (Totals for each Year, and Means of 10 Years.) Total Births ! Proportion registered of Deaths of in each Year, } nia f^ „ . 1 Month 3 Months ' 6 Months i Total and Mean of un " er x Year X,L and under and under! and under I under 10 Years. *° e * er y .Month. 3 Months . 6 Months. 12Months.|l2 MonthsJ 1,000 liirths. r 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 619 607 610 665 692 669 714 717 763 810 389 288 272 344 346 260 285 247 446 242 378 293 292 313 367 356 290 244 500 347 420 281 289 390 365 331 310 298 519 362 1,806 1,469 1,463 1,712 1,770 1,616 1,599 1,506 2,228 1,761 18,835 19,546 20,491 20,655 21,829 22,766 23,682 24,252 25,094 25,940 95-9 75-2 71-4 82-9 81-1 71-0 67-5 62-1 88-8 67-9 Means of ten years ... 687 312 338 356 1,693 22,309 75-9 Note. —The total number of deaths of infants for the period included in the table is 16,930.

Causes. Numl 1904. ier of Deaths from each Cause. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. Percentage of Total. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. Whooping-cough Convulsions Bronchitis and pneumonia: Diarrhoea and enteritis Premature birth Marasmus, &c. Other causes 27 95 148 383 291 273 399 2 96 207 285 360 258 391 17 90 170 232 337 267 393 207 84 269 557 359 303 449 31 76 148 418 388 264 436 1-67 5-88 9-16 23-70 18-01 16-89 24-69 0-13 6-00 12-95 17-82 22-51 16-14 24-45 1-13 5-98 11-29 15-40 22-38 17-73 26-09 9-29 3-77 12-08 25-00 16-11 13-60 20-15 1-76 4-32 8-40 23-74 22-03 14-99 24-76 Totals .. 1,616 1,599 1,506 2,228 1,761 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00