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H.— 31

The average age at death of persons of either sex, in each of the ten years 1899-1908, was as follows :— Males. Females. . Males. Females. 1899 ... 37-73 years. 33-54 years. 1904 ... 41-47 years. 38-44 years. 1900 ... 40-31 „ 36-14 „ 1905 ... 43-03 ' „ 39-13 „ 1901 ... 41-64 „ 37-68 „ 1906 ... 4439 „ 39-35 „ 1902 ... 41-07 „ 34-88 „ 1907 ... 40-43 ~ 36-66 „ 1903 ... 39-56 „ 35-43 „ 1908 ... 42-50 „ 39-14 „ Deaths and Death-rates of the Four Principal Cities and their Suburbs. The total number of deaths registered for the four centres in 1908 was 2,643 —viz., 2,143 in the cities, and 500 in the suburbs. By including the suburbs the death-rate for last year is lowered at all of the four centres. The rates for the year are, — Death-rates per 1,000 of Mean Population. Auckland City ... ... ... ... ... 12-43 „ and seven suburban boroughs ... ... 10-41 Wellington City ... ... ... ... ... 9-18 „ and three suburban boroughs ... ... 9-10 Christchurch City ... ... ... ... ... 9-70 „ and three suburban boroughs ... ... 952 Dunedin City ... ... ... ... ... 11-93 „ and six suburban boroughs ... ... 10-50 If the deaths for the cities, including suburban boroughs, be compared for five years, the figures are as below. It will be observed that the rates for 1908 are substantially lower than those for 1907, which last were, however, unusually high. , Deaths per 1,000 of Population. . 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. Auckland (including suburbs) 10-20 1052 9-90 11-43 10-41 Wellington „ 1043 1021 919 11-28 9-10 Christchurch „ 10-44 10-89 11-26 14-37 9-52 Dunedin „ 11-82 10-12 11-35 12-02 10-50 If the number of deaths of infants under one year be excluded, the mortality among the rest of the population is found to have been for 1907 and 1908 in the following ratio to the 1,000 living :— 1907. 1908. Auckland (including suburbs) ... ... ... ... 8-76 8-07 Wellington „ ... ... ... ... 8-06 6-83 Christchurch „ ... ... ... ... 10-52 766 Dunedin „ ... ... ... ... 9-60 8-66 Infantile Mortality. Subjoined is a classified statement of the deaths of infants under one year during 1908, with the ratio of the deaths in each class to the 1,000 births during the year : —

Ages. Males. Females. Total. 50 years and under 55 years 55 „ 60 „ 60 „ 65 „ 65 „ 70 „ 70 „ 75 „ 75 „ 80 „ 80 „ 85 „ 85 „ 90 „ 90 „ 95 „ 95 „ 100 „ 00 years 258 237 284 464 515 415 241 115 22 7 1 137 173 207 254 260 264 130 86 30 15 395 410 491 718 775 679 371 201 52 22 1 Totals 5,324 3,719 9,043

Year. Sox. Under 1 Month. 1 and 3 and under 3 under 6 Months. ! Months. 6 and under 12 Months. Total under 12 months. 908 f Male ( Female Number of Di 477 333 taths. 134 108 205 142 191 171 1,007 754 Deaths to the l,0i 10 Births. 908 ... ( Male | Female ... I 35-68 j 26-49 10-02 8-59 15-33 11-30 14-29 13-60 I I 75.32 59-98