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And I make this declaration in the belief that the above-written matter is true, and by the authority of an Act of the Parliament of New Zealand intituled " The Justices of the Peace Act, 1882." Tame Pktimana. Declared at Whangarei, this 23rd day of March, 1909, before me—E. A. Hutchings, J. P., Whangarei. I certify that I read the above to tho Raid Tame Petimana, and he thoroughly understood the same before he signed. G. H. Woods, Licensed Interpreter (First, Grade), Whangarei.

Order in Council issued, dated the 20th day of September, 1909. [Extract from New Zealand Gazette, 23rd September, 1909.] "The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908." — Consenting to an Application to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court in pursuance of Section 39 of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894" Plunket, Governor. Order in Council. At the Government House, at Wellington, this twentieth day of September, 1909. Present: His Excellency the Governor in Council. Whereas by an order of the Native Land Court made the sixteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, purporting to determine the successor to the share or interest of Te Kara Maketu, otherwise known as Maketu, in the land known as Kopuawaiwaha No. 4, one Maraea Wells was declared to be the successor to the said share or interest: And whereas it is alleged that the said order was made through a mistake, error, or omission within the meaning of section thirty-nine of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894 " : And whereas application has been made to His Excellency the Governor in Council to consent to the making of an application to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court, in pursuance of the provisions of section thirty-nine of "The Native Land Court Act, 1894," to amend the said order for the purpose of rectifying the said alleged mistake, error, or omission: And whereas on inquiry held in pursuance of the provisions of " The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908," the Governor is satisfied that a prima facie case has been established, and that it would be inexpedient to dispose of it by remedial legislation, or any other procedure which would obviate litigation: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor of the Dominion of New Zealand, in exercise of all powers and authorities in that behalf vested in him by " The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908," and of every other power and authority enabling him in that behalf, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby consent to the making of an application to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court, in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-nine of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894," for the purpose of rectifying the said mistake, error, or omission, and that the said order of the said Court made the sixteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, and any subsequent order fo.unded thereon, may be the subject of an order of the said Chief Judge under the said section thirty-nine of "The Native Land Court Act, 1894." J. F. Andrews, Clerk of the Executive Council. "The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908." Application for the Issue op an Order in Council. In the matter of Te Aute Nos. 2a and 2b Blocks and the boundary-lines between. Dear Sir,— Te Aute, August 10th, 1909. I beg to apply for the issue of an Order in Council under section 2 of " The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908," consenting to an application to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court under section 39 of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894," in regard to the amendment of the boundary-line between Te Aute Nos. 2a and 2b. Attached hereto you will find sketch.plan of the block, showing line between the above divisions. I may here inform you that, should the present dividing-line between a 2 and 2b be amended as suggested by dotted line on plan, I would be prepared, on behalf of Mrs. Ellison and her brothers, to pay cost of survey. I am, sir, yours respectfully, Application refused. D. Ellison.

"The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908." Application for the Issue of an Order in Council. In the matter of Te Aute Nos. 2a and 2b Blocks and the boundary-lines between. Dear Sir,— Te Aute, August 10th, 1909. I beg to apply for the issue of an Order in Council under section 2 of " The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908," consenting to an application to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court under section 39 of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894," in regard to the amendment of the boundary-line between Te Aute Nos. 2a and 2b. Attached hereto you will find sketch.plan of the block, showing line between the above divisions. I may here inform you that, should the present dividing-line between a 2 and 2b be amended as suggested by dotted line on plan, T would be prepared, on behalf of Mrs. Ellison and her brothers, to pay cost of survey. I am, sir, yours respectfully. Application refused. D. Ellison.