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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly in compliance with Section If of "The Land 'Piths Protection Act, 1908."

"The Land Titles Protection Act, 1908." Application for the Issue op an Order in Council. In the matter of Kopuawaiwaha No. 4a No. 3 Block and " llaketu," a deceased owner. In the Native Land Court of New Zealand. Application under Section 39 of " The Native Land Court Act, 1894." In the matter of Kopuawaiwaha No. 4a No. .'i. I am the grandson and the surviving next-of-kin of the deceased " Maketu," who died some twenty years since possessed of a piece of land known as Kopuawaiwaha No. 4a No. 3. On the lGth October, 1889, there was made by Judge Puckej, of the Native Land Court, an order awarding the land of the said Maketu to a distant relative, Maraea Wells, as successor in that block. I was only a child at that time, having been born in October, 1882, and after I had left school I was taken to my relatives at Mangawai to live, and I remained there for five years or mine. Just recently I returned to the Whangarei district, and was told by my uncle, Hen are Pirihi, thai I was Maketn's grandohild, and the proper successor to the said deceased in the said land. As soon as I became aware of this I caused a search to be made in the records of the Court at the time that the Court sat at Whangarei in March, 1908. I then learned for the first time that the said interest had been awarded to Maraea Wells. Dated at Whangarei, this 23rd day of March, 1909. Tame Petimana. This is the paper writing or application marked " Exhibit A " referred to in the annexed declaration of Tame Petimana. Declared before me the 23rd day of March, 1909. E. A. Hutchings, Justice of the Peace.

[Translation.] " The Native Land Court Act, 1894." In the Native Land Court of New Zealand, Auckland District. In the matter of the land known as Kopuawaiwaha No. 4a No. 3, Survey District of Ruakaka, Block V, County of Whangarei. I, Tame Petimana, do solemnly and sincerely declare that the application to the Chief Judge of the Native Land Court attached hereto and marked with the letter " A " was signed by my own hand, and the contents of the said application, so far as they refer to the act mentioned therein, are correct and true, and that the contents of the said application referring to the acts of any other person are to the best of my belief correct and true.