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1. Statement of Contributors, showing Annual Rates of Salaries and Contributions as at 31st December, 1908.

Of the number of contributors who retired during the period ending 31e1 December, L9OB, 18 (inoluding !• "medically unlit " cases) were granted annual allowances aggregating £994 Lie. (id. Tin (10) widows and 12 children, tin- representatives of l<) contributors who died, were granted annual allow amis (L.ill Is.), and also a refund of the contributions (£341 Is. 7d.). The total number of retired contributors on accouni of whom annual allowances were granted during the period was therefore 28. One (1) contributor whose length of service was not over fifteen years retired as being " medically unlit for further duty," and was granted a sum equal to one-twelfth part of the total salary received by her during all the years of her service prior to the Ist January, 1906, together with a refund of her contributions to the fund, the amounts being £4') 17s. 4d. and £0 16s. 9d. respectively: total, £•">() 14s. Id. To 83 contributors who voluntarily retired from the Bduoation service before becoming entitled to participate in the benefits of the fund contributions amounting to £1,276 ss, Id. were returned. The total number of contributors who retired from the Education service during the period was 112.

2. Particulars of Contributions discontinued during the Period 1st April to the 31st December, 1908.

Five (5) pensioners died during the year. Particulars as to the personal representatives in two cases have not yet been received; in a third case —a widow of an annuitant—the pension and all further liability on the fund ceased; in the other two cases there were left 2 widows, and 2 children under th' age of fourteen years, to whom annual allowances were granted. One (1) child attained the age of fourteen years, and her allowance consequently ceased. Further details are given in the following stateintiiit (3): —

Number. Annual Salary. Annual Contributions. M. F. Total. Contributors at 31st March, 1908 New contributors entered during the period ending 31st December, 1908 Increase in salaries and contributions by promotion during the period 1,436 45 1,446 116 2,882 161 t _ d. 446,607 0 0 19,083 0 0 £ s. rl. 32,870 0 0 1,075 0 0 14,000 0 0 825 0 0 Totals 1,481 1,481 1,562 3,043 479,690 0 0 34,770 0 0 Contributions discontinued during the period ending 31st December, 1908, by resignations, Arc. Decrease in salaries and contributions during the period 43 43 69 112 15,687 9,357 0 0 0 0 1,058 655 0 0 0 0 Totals at 31st December, 1908 1,438 1,438 1,493 2,931 454,646 0 0 33,057 0 0 •— w

N Coi imbet itribu of Annual Rate at Dato of Retirement. Allowance! granted. How discontinued. ors. M. F. 3 a c_ Pensions : Annual Rate. Other Payments (nonrecurring). Salary. Contributions. By death before pension entered £ £ s. d. £ h. d. £ s. d. upon — Contributions paid to personal representative Leaving widow or child (section 236, (2), (3), part ix, " Education Act, 1908 ") By voluntary retirement (sec- - tion 235, (1), part ix, " Education Act, 1908 ") Medically unfit — (a.) Not over fifteen years' service (section 234, (1), part ix, "Education Act, 1908") Over fifteen years' service (section 234, (2), part ix, "Education Act, 1908") ti \J Over fifteen years' service ( '] (section 13, (1), " Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908 ") By retirement at pension age (section 233, part ix, " Education Act, 1908 ") 10 22 (il I S3 10 2,110 10,752 95 1,051 178 7 0 620 0 0 4 15 0 91 19 0 341 4 0 416 0 0 341 4 7 1,276 5 4 50 14 1 (*•> 195 17 11 0 75 3 0 145 0 0 503 8 6 1,484 Totals l.'i 69 112 15,687 1,057 12 0 1,335 15 6 1,668 4 0