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These salaries will be considerably higher under the new Act, although the large increase of comparatively junior teachers substituted for the pupil-teachers will to a certain extent counteract the tendency to a rise in the general average salary. Under the same Act there is introduced the principle of annual increments to salaries, which operate in each grade until the maximum salary for the grade is reached. Status of Teachers in Regard to Certificates. The numbers of certificated teachers and uncertificated teachers respectively employed in primary work in the several education districts will appear in Table E2 of the special report (E.-2), a summary of which for the whole Dominion is given below, as at 31st December, in each of the years 1905 to 1908 inclusive :—

From the table it will be seen that the teachers employed in primary-school work in the Dominion at the end of 1908 numbered 53 more than in December, 1907. Of the total, 2,453 were fully certificated, while 901, or 26-9 per cent, of the whole, either possessed no recognised examination status or had not yet completed the necessary qualification. The corresponding percentage for 1907 was 26-2. A fairer idea of the proportion of certificated and uncertificated teachers could probably be obtained by omitting teachers in schools of Grade 0, only about a quarter of whom are certificated. If we do this for the years 1905 and 1908 we get the following numbers : — Primary Teachers in Schools of Grade 1 and upwards.

It will be understood that the above figures do not include any of the teachers in secondary schools, secondary departments of district high schools, and technical

1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. I. Certificated teachers, — Adults .. • • • • • • - • • Pupil-teachers 2,460 13 2,412 6 2,422 14 2,451 2 Total 2,473 2,418 2,436 2,453 [1. Uncertiticated teachers, — (a.) Holding partial qualifications, — (i.) Holders of licenses (ii.) Others partially qualified 270 90 227 134 178 142 99 167 Total of (a.) .. 360 361 320 266 (b.) Having no recognised examination status 320 428 545 635 Total number of uncertificated teachers .. Total primary teachers 680 789 865 901 3,153 3,207 3,301 3,354

1905. 1908. I. Certificated II. Uncertificated, — (a.) Partially qualified (b.) Without status 2,460 2,411 329 163 213 294 492 507 Total .. 2,952 2,918 Percentages, — I. Certificated II. (a.) Partially qualified (b.) Without status 111 5-6 83-3 7-2 10-2 82-6 16-7 17-4 Total .. 100 100