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Returns or Statements required by Law or by Resolution of the House, &c.— continued.

Returns or Statements. Pursuant: to rime from commencement of Sessioi within which they should be produced. Railway Officers, List of >. Railway Property Leases, Particulars of Government Railways Act, 1908, sec. 50 Government Railways Act, 1908, see. 37 No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, twenty days from making. No time stated. Railways Construction and Land Act, 1908, Contracts under Railways, Private, Agreements with, for Interchange of Traffic Railways, Terms and Conditions of Leases of (vide also Government Railways) Rangiora High School, Report and Accounts of Representation Commission, Reports of Railways Construction and Land Act, 1908, sec. 12 Government Railways Act, 1908, sec. 42 Government Railways Act, 1908, sec. 33 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within twenty days of making. Thirty days before calling for tenders. Rangiora High School Act, 1881, sec. 16 Legislature Act, 1908, sec. 22 No time stated. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. Commencement of session. Reserves, Change of Purpose of Public Reserves and Domains Act, 1908, sec. 7 Order of 18th August, 1893 (Sir J. Hall) Raturns required by Act or Resolution to be laid upon the Table Road Board Accounts, Reports on Special Audit of Roads, Orders in Council or Proclamations closing Sale of Food and Drugs Act, Regulations under Road Boards Act, 1908, sec. 104 .. Public Works Act, 1908, sec. 133 .. Ten days after first sitting after receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of issue. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after gazetting. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from date. Twenty-one days. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1908, seo. 28 .. Savings-banks Regulations Savings-banks Act, 1908, sec. 69 Scenery Preservation Act, Statements under.. Second Ballot: Statement of Candidates' Expenses Securities held in the Dominion or London on behalf of the Government Shearers' and Agricultural Labourers' Accommodation Act, Regulations under Ships' Stores, Rules for Inspection of Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, seo. 17 Second Ballot Act, 1908, sec. 18 (Vide Public Securities). Sinking Funds, Report and Account of the Commissioners of Slaughtering and Inspection Act, Regulations under Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools, Report and Accounts of State Coal-mines: Balance-sheet, Statement of Aocounts, and Report State Coal-mines : Resumptions and Contracts Shearers' and Agricultural Labourers' Aocommodation Act, 1908, sec. 13 Shipping and Seamen Act, 1908, see. 116 New Zealand Loans Act, 1908, sec. 51 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. Three weeks. If Parliament sitting, three weeks from making. Fourteen days. If Parliamen t sitting, fifteen days from making up. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after gazetting. No time stated. Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908, sec. 62 Southland Boys' and Girls' High Schools Act, 1877, sec. 8 Coalmines Act, 1908, sec. 118 Fourteen days. Coal-mines Act, 1908, sec. 69 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from decision. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, forthwith on preparation. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days from gazetting. No time stated. State Fire Insurance Office, Balance-sheet, Statement of Accounts, and Report of State Fire Insurance Office, Regulations of .. State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, fee. 36 State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 45 State Fire Insurance, Recommendation of Board for Discontinuance of State Fire Insurance : Requisitions for raising Supplementary Capital State Fire Insurance: Sinking Fund Accretions and Investments State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 22 State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, see. 24 As soon as practicable. State Fire Insurance Act, 1908, sec. 28 Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days after close of financial year. No time stated. State Forests, Lands proposed to be withdrawn from Statutes Compilation Act, Compilations under Stock Act, 1908, Regulations under State Forests Act, 1908, sec. 28 Statutes Compilation Act, 1908, sec. 3 Stock Act, 1908, sec. 3 .. Commencement of session. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from making. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after close of financial year. Twenty-one days. If Parliament sitting, twenty-one days after 31et March. Stock Act, 1908, Returns under Stock Act, 1908, sec. 46 .. Stock Condemned and Slaughtered, Return of Stock Act, 1908, seo. 46 .. Stores. (Vide Public Stores.) Surcharges disallowed by Ministers, Reports by Audit Office on Taiaroa's Claim at Milford Haven, Report of Judges on Public Revenues Act, 1908, seo. 30 .. Fourteen days. If Parliament sitting, fourteen days from disallowance. Before action taken. Maori Land Claims Adjustment and Laws Amendment Act, 1904, sec. 16, as amended by sec. 3 of Act of 1906 Education Act, 1908, sec. 249 Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt. Ten days. -If Parliament sitting, ten days after completion of audit. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, ten days after receipt of report. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of receipt. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days after receipt by Minister. Ten days. If Parliament sitting, within ten days of payment. Teachers' Superannuation : Actuary's Report on Quinquennial Examination of Fund Teachers' Superannuation : Balance-sheet and Statement of Accounts Teachers' Superannuation : Report of Board, and Statement of Minister of Finance Teachers' Superannuation : Triennial Actuarial Report Teachers' Superannuation Board: Accounts and Statements, accompanied by Report of Board Teachers' Superannuation Fund, Additional Payments into out of Consolidated Fund Fjducation Act, 1908, seo. 248 Education Act, 1908, sec. 247 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 38 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 37 Public Service Classification and Superannuation Amendment Act, 1908, sec. 39